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Damage vs Sewn Fate from the Voodoo Doll



Hey, I'm having doubt about how much damage the opponent actual gets when putting poision or burning on a model with Sewn Fate.


So here goes an example:


1. Zoraida summons Voodoo Doll and the Hem is cast against Enemy model X and success. Now this model has the Sewn Fate condition.

2. Now Zoraida uses her Hexbag on the Voodoo Doll and applies the Burning +2 Condition. This Condition is also applied to the Enemy model X due to Sewn Fate.

3. At the end of the turn the Enemy model suffers 2 damage from Burning, So does the Voodoo Doll. But, does the Enemy model also suffers the 2 damage the Voodoo Doll suffers from the burning affect?


So it boils down to this: "How much damage from burning does the Enemy Model sufferat the end of the turn. 2 or 4 damage?"



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Yeah, I would think it's 4 damage?  From two separate sources.  First, the enemy model gains the burning +2 condition because the doll did.  Then at the end of the turn, the doll takes two damage from burning, so the enemy model takes 2 damage.  Then the enemy model takes a further two damage from its own burning condition.

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