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Question on Flight and Ht movement

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Hello. I'm sure that this has been broughten up before, but now that second wave is live, and we have all our characters back, I figured I'd ask this question before any of our gaming group came into this issue for clarification. Back in first edition, vertical movement with regards to flight was not restricted, it was treated the same as horizontal. We've been treating it as such the same in 2nd edition, however vertical movement in the rulebook only states climbable terrain wheras flight ignores terrain therefor top down position should be fair enough. I have just gone through the terrain and the errata and I could not find it, though I may have missed something as it was a quick scan, but how would this effect models with flight in a non-enclosed space? We do know that incoporeal can go through walls with heigth (from the errata:

Although measurements in Malifaux are generally made from a top down view, vertical distances are measured while moving a model (see pg. 42 of the rulebook, Movement & Terrain)

If the model with Incorporeal ends its move on top of the 10" tall building, it would have moved 10" and, unless it has a Wk of 10 or greater, this is not a legal move. However, if the Incorporeal model has a sufficient Wk stat to complete the move, it would be able to end the move on top of the terrain, ignoring the usual rules for climbing, etc. Flight works similarly, except in the case of Enclosed terrain 

 Now lets say a model with flight goes from open ground to a Ht 9. There should be no penalties on that movement, right? Just treated as the models movement or add 9inches to its move? We just want to be sure as the board we normally play on is multilevel with each level starting from 0 and each after that ht3.

By the way, here is the normal board we play on if it helps the question. We randomize doors and brick walls each game with dice

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I can't remember where, but it was established that flying "up" 9 Ht costs 9" of movement.


Which because of the way "ignores terrain" works means that flying 6" horizontally, and crossing a 9" high wall only costs 6" of movement, because you can ignore the wall. However, flying 6" horizontally and landing on the 9" high wall costs a total of 15".


However, if the wall is actually an Enclosed building, you can't fly through the walls, so you have to pay 15" either way.

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  • 2 weeks later...

That's what our group thought. Now to put the issue to bed, as we do have a couple of power gamers, A model with flight on ht 3, that is height 3 which can therfore see onto the next level which is height 5 or 6 (so it has LoS as technically on ht 3 and being ht 3 ='s 6), the ht for movement would still add a 2 or 3, right (elevation rules manual page 41)? i.e  a model with flight and height 3 with a charge of 8 would essentially add 3 to whatever the distance is on a charge, basically meaning that a model  2inches away from the elevation would add either a 2 or 3 to get the charge up the elevation (i.e a charge of 8 would be 4-6 to get up the elevation than it gets the rest of their charge movement then if in engagment range make their attacks?)  considering the target is not on the edge of the elevation for Vantage Point as that is self explanitory. It's not the going down (Vantage points, Flight not taking damage from a drop, etc) or the flying over terrain while on the same level,  it's the going up which is the contention

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I had a random issue come up a while back that might be of use here. A while back I was play testing Kaeris and the Firestarter. Firestarter Flew onto a Ht 5 Pillar and did his usual blasty goodness, we treated the vertical movement no differently to horizontal (5" up and 1" forward to land on the pillar). Shortly after that he was then lured off of said pillar so you would expect him to take damage but as he makes a walk he didn't because he just walked/flew back down. The game was against a local Henchman so that's how we've been playing it since but if there is a ruling that goes against this I'd be keen to hear it. 

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I had a random issue come up a while back that might be of use here. A while back I was play testing Kaeris and the Firestarter. Firestarter Flew onto a Ht 5 Pillar and did his usual blasty goodness, we treated the vertical movement no differently to horizontal (5" up and 1" forward to land on the pillar). Shortly after that he was then lured off of said pillar so you would expect him to take damage but as he makes a walk he didn't because he just walked/flew back down. The game was against a local Henchman so that's how we've been playing it since but if there is a ruling that goes against this I'd be keen to hear it.

I don't get it?

Models with flight are immune to falling damage. He could have been on Ht20 terrain and been fine.

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