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Question about triggering Sub Zero (Rasputina) out of activation



I usually play Viks and sometimes I'll go up against Rasputina. It has yet to happen, because of maneuvering, but I've been thinking about a specific scenario that's bound to happen.

If either of the Viks use the ability that lets all sisters attack one model (Dragon's Bite/Flight of Dragons), and one of the the sisters who attacks out of her activation gets the effects of the trigger Sub Zero, what happens?

Sub Zero says "After this models suffers damage from a Ml attack, immediately end the attacker's activation".

From the rulebook and other models, like Perdita, it is understood that "attacker" refers to the attacking model (not the attacking player). Since the attacking model in my scenario is the one who is not activating, there is no activation to end. Only the activating model has an activation to end.

Theoretically, in a scenario with all the sisters attacking the same model with Sub Zero trigger, if I just save the activating sister for last they should all get to attack regardless of how many times the trigger is triggered. The exceptions is of course the activating sister, if she has any AP left after using Dragon's Bite/Flight of Dragons.

Is this covered by a FAQ or a thread I've missed?

Does my reasoning seem correct?

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I usually play Viks and sometimes I'll go up against Rasputina. It has yet to happen, because of maneuvering, but I've been thinking about a specific scenario that's bound to happen.

If either of the Viks use the ability that lets all sisters attack one model (Dragon's Bite/Flight of Dragons), and one of the the sisters who attacks out of her activation gets the effects of the trigger Sub Zero, what happens?

Sub Zero says "After this models suffers damage from a Ml attack, immediately end the attacker's activation".

From the rulebook and other models, like Perdita, it is understood that "attacker" refers to the attacking model (not the attacking player). Since the attacking model in my scenario is the one who is not activating, there is no activation to end. Only the activating model has an activation to end.

Theoretically, in a scenario with all the sisters attacking the same model with Sub Zero trigger, if I just save the activating sister for last they should all get to attack regardless of how many times the trigger is triggered. The exceptions is of course the activating sister, if she has any AP left after using Dragon's Bite/Flight of Dragons.

Is this covered by a FAQ or a thread I've missed?

Does my reasoning seem correct?

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