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Victoria v Ototo in Henchman Battle in Story Format


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Victoria was pacing around the taver as she was waiting for everyone to gather. She was given a lead from a reliable source of the location of ancient tablet that is suppose to grant unimaginable speed. She was warned that there were other parties that were currently hunting it and that her source had a line on the ruins where the tablet was supposed to be. With her other half out following up another lead she was left with who was at the bar, Taelor who was arguing the merits of forceful entry, Johan who was drinking with some of the other miners and her new shadow, a litte girl who stated it was her dream to grow up just like her.

Turn 1

As they entered the ruins They started to spread out to cover more ground. During their searching instead of finding the tablet they found Misiak's strong man Ototo and his friends.

(everyone just spent both AP to walk)

Turn 2

Ototo's archer got the drop on Victoria as he winged her with a cheap shot, The Student assisted Vic so she could cover more ground to get to the archer. Out of no where a Torakage rushed Victoria Ran her through. Victoria knew she had to act fast, That Torakage used a poisons blade and she could start to feel her senses dull from it. She Gathered all her strength and swung at the ninja, as she separated his head from his shoulders the rush of violence rejuvenated her, Seeing that she couldn't get to the archer, she ran behind the building for cover. As Ototo sent the torakage and the archer to keep Victoria busy he moved into the ruin hoping to claim his prize. Taelor saw another archer trying to sneak along the shadows of the ruins on the far side of the site, She ran towards him eager to introduce him to her trusty hammer. The Archer saw Taelor Coming straight for him, Knowing full well her fighting skill he moved into the ruin to try and escape her wraith, upon entering the ruin he spotted that traitorous steam fitter, the one called Johann. He took a quick shot at him but his shot was wide. The Oiran who managed to stay out of side moved into a better vantage point to see what was going on and she intised Ototo to Join her.

Turn 3

Taelor cursing at the cowardly archer saw Ototo in the ruins, eager to test her mettle against the 10 thunders best bellowed and charged him. She heard the satisfying crunch of her hammer against armor, Ototo Looked dazed but was still standing. Ototo reeling from the massive hit from Taelor was seeing red and knew Taelor was going to die by his hands. He swung and connected with the woman but she could take the punishment as well as she could give it and wasn't going anywhere. Johann seeing the melee in the middle of the ruin didnt want to miss out on the fun and charged into the fray wanting his piece of Ototo. he connected with his first swing and if the bastard didn't absorb the power of the soulstone he was holding it would have been the end of him. The Archer who was ashamed of running from Taelor decided he needed to be the one who brought Taelor down to regain his honor. He moved for a better vantage point, he let an arrow loose and it found its mark in the middle of her chest and she looked like she could drop at any moment. Victoria hearing the sounds of Taelor having fun in the main ruin saw the Archer who shot at her, she moved into him to have a quick chat about he choice of profession. The Oiran who still seemed not to be noticed moved closer to Taelor and missed when she tried to bring her down with her dagger. The Student made her way into the ruins but saw the archer in the door way and took a defensive position as not to be caught off guard. The Archer saw Victoria coming at him and realized that he couldn't escape and embraced his fate.

Turn 4

Johann enraged that Ototo was still standing went into a crazed flurry of swings to bring him down. Again Ototo was able to absorb the power of yet another soul stone to keep him self alive. Ototo thankful that he always carries soul stones with him swings at Taelor and brought her down before she could recover. With Taelor gone he turns his attention to Johann and connects with him as well and while still standing he looks like he is almost out of the fight. Victoria takes her time with the archer and makes sure no one will beable to identify him. The Oiran makes her presence known by stabbing Johann in the back and making sure he wont be getting up any time soon. The Student goes after the Oiran but the she was able to easily dodge her strike. The archer witnessing what Victoria did to his brother lets loose arrows but only is able to graze her.

Turn 5

Victoria seeing both Taelor and Johann down at the hand Ototo charges him and bring him down. In a last act of defiance the Oiran swings at the Student and watches as she hits the ground. Victoria decides not to pursue as she checks to see if any of her companions still are alive.

(pic will be later need to crop and resize)

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