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Malifaux Demo/Kickoff Event! Garden City, MI


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To kick off the upcoming Malifaux events (planning on starting a league after the new year) - we will be running a Multiplayer Event on Sunday, December the 15th. The doors open at noon and play will begin shortly before 1pm with a minor $5 entry to cover a pile of prizes to be given out. The basic event structure:

- 30 Soul Stone lists

- Minimum 4 members in your list (after all - this is a fun style event)

- Fun Objective based Scenarios using the Multiplayer rules published in the Wyrd Chronicles v4

Even if you are unsure of what the event details actually mean, PLEASE feel comfortable in showing up and talking with Alex. He will happily explain what the system of Malifaux - an amazing Victorian Goth Steam Punk Horror Western Genre Miniatures Game. This event is designed to rekindle the Malifaux community - NOT to scare players away with confusing rules and tournament lists. Come on down and have some fun.


All players will also receive an additional 10% discount (ON TOP OF THE SALE PRICES) on all Malifaux products and accessories for the entire day of December 15th to help support you, the players, as a way for Pandemonium to say "THANK YOU FOR SHOWING UP .... AND HAVE SOME FUN!!"

Alex has also volunteered to help run demo and pick-up games on Monday nights. We also plan to build some new Malifaux terrain tables and add additional boards. So stop on by Mondays starting around 6pm-ish to chat and connect with the Malifaux community. The store will be providing the materials and even dinner if we get enough players to hang out as another thanks.

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My wife and I are planning to come. We've both been playing infrequently for years but are very, very rusty.

The Wyrd chronicles where you are pulling the rules from uses the old edition. Strategies and schemes are different now. Will the schemes be updated?

Edited by Rhellion
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