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I'm looking for advice before finishing my first plastic crew (yan lo)

AL the zombie

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This is what I have gotten done so far.





I'm really enjoying the detail of the plastics, but now that it's time to paint them I'm not sure how to proceed. I'm trying to wrap my head around the Idea of painting things like emblems on all the armor, tie cords, and the entrails. If you can think of anything that might help let me know.


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a nice place to start would be to dry brush over some cloth areas and or armor to add some depth to areas. as for decals or emblems I would say either google something you like or just draw it out and use your hobby knife to make a stencil that you could easily apply multiple times so you don't worry about free handing each one. with the entrails and cords base coat them with the color of choice and use an ink to bring out the details then use some more dry brushing to add a final touch. you have a great start to these, I look forward to seeing the finished work.

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