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Transmortis University Open House results


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Had a pretty successful event! Thanks to all my regulars for showing up and to the Lincoln players for coming over and having fun! Here are some info on what went down.

Factions that showed up: Outcast, Guild, Gremlins, Ten Thunders, Arcanist, Resurrectionist, Oucast, Guild, Neverborn, and Neverborn.

Even though places didn't count, here is the break down. 1st place Neverborn, 2nd place Guild, and 3rd place Ten Thunder.

Here are some pics from the open house. four henchmen in one room? how does the place survive?



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Thanks for hosting this, LZ! I had a blast - and so did everyone else from Lincoln, and WOO I wasn't expecting to come in 3rd (even though it didn't really matter...)

Regardless, a fun time was had by all and you did a great job of herding all of us crazies in the same direction! Yay!

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