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Tara v Ophelia from the Qi & Gong League - Narrative


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Taelor looked over the abandoned M&SU complex. She had worked with ‘old holey’ a few times before since she had shown up in Malifaux a few months ago, but when the plans were outlined to her and Bishop in the Qi & Gong the previous evening they had upped their price. Taelor didn’t care much for the company Tara was keeping these days, but to be fair anyone with a great hole in their chest was probably going to draw the attention of the resurrectionists sooner or later.

The instructions were clear ‘round to the right into their territory, kill as many as you can, the Black Lady must survive’ and that was the problem. Sure Taelor had a problem working with the idiotic creation Tara had brought along, they were always better in the receiving end of her hammer. But the black lady was something different all together. A waif of a thing sure but some say she couldn’t be killed. Yup Taelor was just fine on the flank, round the side, kill em all.

Ophelia had brought’ Da Crew’ ;the best of the kin, and guns, lots of guns. Guns were always good for shootin. She tipped her hat back and peeled open a toothy smile. ‘Wees not sin this un before boys, there commin for our lan, we goin for theirs, kill em dead. Lenny, fetch the Pig!’ Francoise flicked open his coat & drew his duelling sword ‘you be needin some guns bro’ Ophelia chastised. ‘I been watchin them hunters, they stick em good with these, it’s my best un an all’ Francoise retorted. ‘Well stick em good then kin, this time we make them squeel’

Tara laughed into the night, ‘Gremlins’ she thought ‘since when did they become a power in these lands, they won’t know what hit them’. Calling down the power from the void she unleashed a bolt at Bishop, Bishop coursed with energy then vanished. Tara laughed again as she strode nonchalantly towards the enemy as they scrambled to the top of the tower, she was sure the big one with the stilts even through one of the other to the top. Strange little creatures.

Ophelia reached into her coat and drew another gun, a real big gun and aimed at the lumbering beast ‘Bang, that’ll hurt em n scare em good boys’ The flesh constructs shoulder exploded showering Tara in rotten flesh, Tara glanced at the flesh construct and laughed again. ‘boyz that thing seem too dumb to care, and that woman well she just heartless. Lenny. Pig. Now’

Tara wiped the putrid flesh from her face and looked up to see the bushes, or were they trees, rustling and just got hold or herself before the great warpig burst forth toward her charging. The great beast gored at her and Tara had to reach for a stone to prevent the rampage.

‘Round the right, kill em all’ Taelor muttered to herself as she stalked through the bushes ‘sure, good but the funs over there, this never happens when I work for the Vicks’

Tara was rocked by the pig attack, usually able to seize the initiative in the battle she had to use the power of a stone to ensure she struck first. Tara pictured Bishops face buried in the void and pulled it out, delivering Bishop straight into the face of the rampaging pig before vanishing to safety. Bishop acted quickly smashing the pig with a flurry of fists, and again, dropping the pig in a large bloody pile on the floor. As the pig fell Karina worked her magic summoning a Death Marshall into the fray.

Ophelia smiled to herself ‘now that don look that tuff’ she chucked to herself as she levelled her gun at the Death Marshal hitting it square in the chest and paralysing it with fear. Bishop jumped backward ‘whoa, that’s a big gun, don’t see them in the pits’ he murmured to himself as he pulled himself together. This time Ophelia levelled the gun at Bishop ‘Ya likin that fighter boy’. The shot echoed through the complex hitting Bishop in the leg. ‘THATS A BIG GUN!’ Bishop yelled diving to one side, terrified. Karina shuddered as the shot hit Bishop and cowered behind the stairs to the complex.

Seizing their moment the Kin opened up on all fronts, more lead rained down on Bishop nearly crippling him and Rafael took aim at the Black Lady, and missed. He wiped his eyes.

‘Give us som slop boyz’ Ophelia grinned, we just getting warmed up’

Tara was furious. She strode forward onto the platform and dragged Bishop back into the void then sent the Flesh Construct to confront the green tide in front of her.

Taelor crept round to the right, kill em all.

Ophelia seized the initiative dispatched the Flesh Construct in her face ‘Im not gonna be eaten today fleshy’ she screamed as the beast went down in a pile of rotten flesh and machinery. Francoise let fly at the Death Marshal dropping it in one shot and then opened up on the cowering Karina. Tara strode forward as Raphael took aim at the Balck Lady, concentrating this time he let lose a volley ‘this is hittin’ he screamed to Ophelia. But as the shot struck she was gone. ‘well Kin thats some dumb luck right there’ Ophelia retorted, ‘gimmie some slop, and Lenny you git down there’

Tara chuckled and reached into the void where she knew she would find the Black Lady. Calling her as on Tara knew how she pulled Bette from the void and let her lose. Bette screamed and charged at Ophelia, bloody knives blurring and severing the spine of the Gremlin leader, then again into the groin leaving Ophelia bloodied and bruised. ‘Slop’ Ophelia cried ‘Gimmie some slop you’ she tasted it, soured by the presence of the black lady, it didn’t help her plight.

Somewhere from the right Taelor emerged from cover pinning Rafael and one of the Haulers with the vast threat of her Hammer.

The tide was turning and Tara knew it. Francois swung at Tara with his sword, wounding her and Tara swiped at Ophelia with her Soulstone sword. One of the haulers joined the melee hitting at the Black Lady, who replied with her knives before turning back to the gremlin leader. Lenny finished off the hapless Karina still cowering at the back of the felid but as she fell Bishop returned from the void and gathered his composure.

Rafael swung his big honkin sock at Taelor who replied with her Hammer on both him and the Hauler.

Ophelia looked around. Lenny was safe, that was the main thing. But the Black Lady was still there, she would have to take care of that soon.

Tara, wounded from the melee, swung wildly at Ophelia as the gremlin dodged under her sword. Trying to focus on the void was impossible, her strength drained. Ophelia seized the opportunity and finished off the threat in front before turning her attentions to the Black Lady. As the blow landed Bette faded away and Ophelia make for the other side of the complex.

Francois ran at Bishop ‘its stickin time’ he yelled as the distance closed but Bishop danced aside, smashing the gremlin with this chain wrapped fist. Francois reacted and stabbed again, only to be backhanded by the cage fighter.

Bishop glared at Francois before turning his attention to Lenny. He rammed his fist into Lenny’s face stunning the giant gremlin then swung again, this time with so much force it would surely be an end to filthy scum. Lenny jumped away just in time, the force of the blow smashing his stilts to pieces. Off balance Bishop struck again, missing by a mile.

Rafael slipped away from Taelor and fired off a shot high and wide.

Taelor glanced over to where the Black Lady had been ‘well maybe she is impossible to kill’ she said to the Hauler in front of her ‘but your sure not’ and she swung her hammer down. The Hauler had barely started to squeal as the Hammer bit and pulverised the gremlin into a green mess. As Taelor wiped her hammer the Black Lady was back. She shrugged and headed toward the gremlin territory.

The second Hauler swiped at Bette, hurting her but nothing more, then Bette’s knives blurred and tore the Hauler to pieces.

As a last act Lenny grabbed his whackin stick and swung at Bishop. Bishop’s time in the void had not been wasted, he had been studying his opponents and danced to one side smacking Lenny square in the face. Again Lenny swung and Bishop ducked, knocking Lenny’s teeth out with the upper cut that followed.

‘Nuff Boyz’ Ophelia Hollered, ‘lets be gettin’ Lenny and Bishop stared at each other. ‘next time Gremlin’

Tara (Obliteration Symbiote, Eternal Journey, Knowledge of Eternity)

Karina (Long Forgotten Magics)

Bette Noire (Decaring Aura)



Flesh Construct

Ophelia (Jug Rocket)

Francois (Dirty Cheater)

Rafael (Dirty Cheater)

Lenny (Stilts)


2 x Slop Hauler

Reckoning (Tara 1 – 1 Ophelia)

Entourage (Tara 2 – 2 Ophelia)

Bodyguard (Tara 2 – 2 Ophelia)

Line in the sand


Plant Explosives

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