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Iron Quill - Deal With the Devil (Tick)


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Hey everyone, first time doing this, just started typing and just went wherever it took me. It was considerably longer but I've already started to shorten it to meet the word count.

Any feedback is appreciated. Even if to suggest a name for this piece.

Used: Voodoo Doll, The Twins, Deal with Devil.

Tick, tick, tick.

Carol watched intently as the second hand of his pocket watch as it made its journey. Every tick from the tiny gears served a purpose for him. He studied it, forming the timing in his mind, waiting as the hand reached the bold printed twelve. Tick.

Carol raised his view from his watch to the street just beyond the alley he was hiding in. Like clockwork, two guild guards walked into his vision along the street. Safely among the dark shadows, they didn’t see him as they went on their patrol route. Dressed in his dark rags, coat and bomber hat, he blended in perfectly with the trash of the alley.

One stopped and made a gesture with his wrist. “Is it that time already?” the guard spoke aloud to his partner.

“Yes,” thought Carol with a snicker, “Time flies when you’re having fun.” As the guards picked up their pace, Carol looked back at his watch. Five seconds remained in his predetermined waiting time. Carefully placing the watch inside the cloth of his hat, its ticking noise easily heard by him, each one a reminder of the constant flow of time. Counting inside his head, three, tick, two, tick, one, tick.

Carol sprang forward from the shadows of the alleyway. Darting across the cobblestone street silently and quickly. He timed his steps, each one planned carefully by his obsessive mind. He almost lost himself in this rhythmic dance of his, but the job needed concentration. Reaching the opposite side he glanced towards his mark. A large building of rotting timber that oddly never had collapsed, it creaked and shuddered as if aware of Carol’s intent. It stood three storeys tall, with a single dark window on each facing of each floor. The only window that was ever open was on the top floor, on the facing opposite to the street. Ground level had a door, yet opening it was impossible. Outside it looked abandoned, but inside were rumours of riches and treasure. Carol had heard of attempts to get to the window by simply climbing the rotted wood, and every attempt ended with multiple splinters to the would-be thief which would immediately fester.

Out in the open he wasted no time locating a drainage pipe clinging to the building’s frame. It also looked ready to fall apart, but it could support his small frame. Clutching it, he began to climb as the ticking continued in his ears. As Carol reached the second floor he clutched a rusted part of pipe that crumbled under his hand, throwing his balance whilst sending him falling back down. Panicking he managed to latch on again before he tumbled too far, his body connecting with the timber frame with a thud. He paused there for a brief moment, listening but hearing nothing but a tick, tick, tick.

With no muffled sounds from inside, he silently cursed himself. Every second was precious, he would now have to push himself to regain them. Carefully climbing again, he reached past the rusted space in the pipe. When it seemed to hold his weight he felt some form of relief wash over him. Scrambling he reached the top of the building and sprinted to its rear. He peered over the edge and saw the window just below him slightly open. He slowly clambered down, using his dangling feet to pry to window more open. Satisfied when it would fit his small frame, he released his grip from the roof edge and swung inside.

The room he found himself was dark, his eyes already adjusted he quickly glanced his surroundings as he slowly moved forward. The ticking in his ear the ever constant reminder. Lush carpet lay under him. Walls were littered with wooden shelves that covered every space, cluttered with items of different value. Silver cutlery, vases, jewellery, books and portraits, but none held what Carol was sent to retrieve. His employers had made it clear to locate a doll, and in return he would be rewarded more than he could ever imagine, and Carol always fancied himself as having quite the imagination. The entire floor seemed to be just one large room, with more bookshelves taking space in the centre. On the far end of a shelf at the opposite side, sat a dusty, featureless, brown doll. He moved quickly toward it, thankful he could now reclaim those lost seconds by not searching so long.

A large chime of metal sounded and Carol froze. His head snapped to the direction of the sound as it repeated. How he had missed it before confused him, but he had never seen something so beautiful. A large, wonderfully hand carved wooden grandfather clock, it stood taller than Carol and depicted strange scenes of fantastical creatures in flight. It chimed a third time, the ticking in Carol’s ear being drowned out as he changed his direction and walked towards it.

It was wrong. It wasn’t the right time. He must correct it. He needed to. He had to. He reached up at the face of the ancient timepiece, hoping he could just realign the hands and continue his task. The clock seemed to grow taller, and Carol found himself rising to his toes to reach the hands. Stretched this way he slowly pulled the hour hand back when suddenly the body panel of the clock swung open. Carol squealed as a black hand reached from the darkness inside the clock and grasped him by his cuff. It pulled at Carol, tugging him into the black depths of the clock. Carol saw that the knuckles of the hand grabbing him were all eyes, staring at him and terror took over him. The great clock began chiming repeatedly, it was all Carol could hear. He fought off the hand, beating it as hard as his frail arms could. In the struggle his hat toppled off his head, his pocket watch spilling onto the floor. Carol watched in horror as his own watch was spiralling out of control, the hands racing around in endless loops.

“No! No! No!” He cried as he found a surge of strength and managed to pry the black arm’s grip from him, it’s eyes still boring into him. He dived out of its reach towards his own watch. Once it was in his hands he clutched it tightly and ran for the doll. The sound of chimes still rang throughout the room as he grabbed the stuffed doll and spun around looking for an exit. The clock was closer to him, as if moving when he wasn't looking, and to press Carol’s failing nerves more, there was no visible staircase to the lower floor.

He ran back the way he came, giving the clock a wide berth as he did. The chiming clock started to slide along the carpet, picking up speed towards the open window that Carol was hoping to get to. It slid its bulk in front of it, blocking the frame and trapping Carol inside. Carol fought for an idea in his head, the chiming constantly interrupting his train of thought. He turned around again and saw another window on the opposite side of the room, where outside earlier he had climbed the pipe.

How long had it been? He had lost all track of his timing. He was meant to meet his employers at the arranged time, back in the alley where he had begun. His own watch continued to spiral. It’s ticking now just a constant buzz. It was a risk, but it was his only option now. Carol hoped he didn’t catch any splinters as he ran towards the closed window.

The sliding sound of the clock coming after him only spurred him on. As he reached the window, he braced himself and barrelled into it, smashing its frame and sending him flying into the open air, high above the street. He came crashing down into the alley and felt bones break in his legs and they connected with the hard ground. Carol let out a scream of pain as his head hit his arm on the cobblestone, dazing him.

“Ah, Carol. Right on time as always,” two voices from the shadows of the alley softly spoke in unison as Carol bled. “And you have the doll, great work. Now about your reward, name it and it is yours.”

Carol whimpered as his employer come into view. He heard they were twins, but this was more like two men on one body, joined at the hip. “Well, you’ve got plenty of time to think about it.” One of the torso’s produced a small golden mask from his waistcoat, sliding it over the doll’s head. “Now, we’ll see how protected he really is.” The other head chuckled wickedly.

Carol’s vision began to darken, soon his world was black and the voices seemed far away, the only thing audible to him was a constant tick, tick, tick.

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