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New plastic WOW!


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first post here and I had to make it about the new plastic minis. I lurked around for a few weeks and noticed that quite a few people were not that excited about the new plastic range the studio is going for.

I learned about Malifaux when it wasn't even Malifaux yet, there was just a few cool minis released without any system to play. That's when I purchased Perdita because she was just so nice.

I bought the 1st ed rulebook 2 years ago along the Kirai crew but apart from putting the models together didn't do anything with it.

then 2 years later, I see Toshiro and Yin, and then the master of the path box set and after that the dark debts box set. WOW! what wonderful minis, I thought to myself, I've always been interested in Malifaux anyway so why not?

So I bought everything along with the books I was missing.

Now back to plastic: Those are the most beautiful plastic minis I ever laid eyes on! Delicate and intricate, I love the details. The Oirans are awesome, Izamu... Wow and everything else too. I don't mind the small parts like Yan Lo's beard, that's a small price to pay to have such beautiful and dynamic minis. And plastic is much easier to assemble that all those small antennas on my Yu jing models from the Infinity range. I can't wait to play my first game and see what 2.0 is like along with the new plastic Kits.

I'm a long time skirmish miniature wargamer/painter and I have hundreds if not thousands of models from many different companies and game lines. So I just wanted to say how happy and excited I am about these new models and can't wait to see what comes next.

Now this is my very positive happy review of the plastic range but next are my thought s on exclusive and collectible models, not so happy about that...

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