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Seismic's Ressers Painting Blog


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Over the last 6 weeks I have been busy learning Malifaux, along with painting the minis that come with playing the game. Here are some pics of where I am up to. Some of the pictures have come out slightly blurred in some areas as I am having trouble setting up my new camera.

I hope you enjoy

Kirai & her Crew


Kirai's & Onyro's back


Kirai's Avatar




As you can probabily see my main crew is Kirai. To be honest she was pretty daunting to learn to play with but now i really enjoy playing her (not sure if my mates enjoy playing against her though!!


More of Nicodem's Crew will be coming soon.

I hope you like!

Edited by Seismic
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Ok, just to let people know where I am currently at following my last post.

Well I've been busy painting my Nicodem's crew along with a few extra Ressers to help him on his journeys. So far I've managed to paint his vulture totem along with 2 canine remains. I've started all the zombies (3 punks, 3 mindless and a flesh construct), with their skin more or less finished. Once I've got them finished it onto Mortimer then I am ready for Salute next week!

After these are finished in thinking of a conversion for a flesh contruct. My main thinking behind this is I am personally not a fan of the current flesh construct models (nothing against the models themselves its just my opinion). Because of this I am thinking of somehow converting Mr. Graves into a flesh construct. I believe that he already has a slight flesh constructy look about him, and his wooden beatstick fits in with their whole image!

Sorry for no pictures but the lighting is a bit poor at 21:00 to get any good pictures! Hopefully ill get some pictures of my current progress tomorrow. If so i'll get them posted!

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Those Onryo backs are awesome. I will steal that concept for other models of mine. <3

Also, you can well work up a constructish look on Mr. Graves. Use some green stuff to make yucky stuff on his body parts and you can always saw off an arm or a leg and replace it with something else. Maybe even a limb of another model? :)

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Very nice. I really like the freehand work on the Onryo. The red on Kirai is also great.

Thankyou. In real life Kirai's red is more of a deep orange (or its supposed to be anyway!)

Regards the freehand on the back of the onyro, kirai and the back of the avatar. Its actually my first attempt at freehand and I think i am quite pleased by them. The freehand on the onyro is supposed to be oriental style vines, and it is actually my favourite freehand ive done (i really love the white and turquoise contrast!

Kirai's freehand is actually supposed to be an oriental dragon, which isn't really shown well in the picture!

The avatar's freehand is supposed to be the chinese symbol for 'death'. This is also the same symbol that the dead Kirai is lying on. I initially wanted to do the symbol for 'Resurrection' but since its 3-4 symbols long I gave it a miss.

Those Onryo backs are awesome. I will steal that concept for other models of mine. <3

Also, you can well work up a constructish look on Mr. Graves. Use some green stuff to make yucky stuff on his body parts and you can always saw off an arm or a leg and replace it with something else. Maybe even a limb of another model? :)

Stop giving me ideas!!1! only joking, its great advice. I think i'll probabily green stuff it. Make his cloths more raggy aswell as rot his flesh. Not sure how im going to do this as its all thoughts at the moment. I really dont want to amputate the models, as I already really like the look of Mr Graves!

If anyone else has any ideas that would be great!

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Citadel (Gamesworkshop) has this green stuff in a pot. It is kind of liquidy and you could smear some of that on his body to make it look like skin flaps that aren't on correctly. You could take a hobby knife and gently cut a circle around a limb, as if you would amputate it and then add a stitching effect by cutting small slashes along the line.

I'd like the idea of seeing him actually carry his other arm instead of a beam of wood. Would be damn hilarious.

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Citadel (Gamesworkshop) has this green stuff in a pot. It is kind of liquidy and you could smear some of that on his body to make it look like skin flaps that aren't on correctly. You could take a hobby knife and gently cut a circle around a limb, as if you would amputate it and then add a stitching effect by cutting small slashes along the line.

I'd like the idea of seeing him actually carry his other arm instead of a beam of wood. Would be damn hilarious.

SOLD!!! i love that idea. That would be quality! idea stolen!

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The main reason Kirai's crew is so vivid is the nature of the models, with bold bright oriental colours. I don't think I'll keep these vivid colours through the rest of my Ressers (except for maybe Yan Lo when I get him). The main reason for this is because the other crew do have a very dark nature to them (such as Nicos and McMournings crew). Seamus' crew could be vivid but ill have to decide that when I get it.

While i'm on here I may as well give you a few updates. I've decided to do all the zombies and the flesh construct at the same time (to ensure i get the skin more or less the same on the models). So far i've finished the flesh construct, 1 punk zombie and a mindless zombie meaning i've got 2 more punk and mindless zombies. Then I have Mortimer to do!

Should hopefully get this done in time for Salute....

Again sorry for no pictures but the lighting has been bad due to the terrible weather!

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  • 3 weeks later...

OK, so it's been quite a while since I posted so here is an update!

I've managed to complete Nicodem's crew, which so far comprises of;


3 x punk zombie (only 2 in the picture below as one's sword snapped as i got it out of the case!)

2 x canine remains

1 x flesh construct


Overall I am pleased with the look of them, although I now think the bases are far too light so will work on those at some point.

Since then I've managed to pick up Yan Lo's crew and even got Izamu a few days ago! Here's my progress so far!


Unfortunately Chiaki hasn't turned out that well, as my final spray of varnish made the paint bubble off and during the stripping process have lost a little bit of detail on her face. I tihnk she looks good at a distance but upclose the lack of face detail does become apparent. Also yes, Yan Lo is missing his beard!! It seems that it fell off the sprue in the box and couldn't find it anywhere! (and only really noticed once I finished painting her) So it looks as if he has a really shocked expression!


Where is Izamu u ask? well here he is in progress.


I'm waiting for some bases come in the post before I can start basing him (he should easily be completed by then) I think the red armour is looking good, tying in nicely with the ashigaru!

So that's where I am at so far! Up next I really want to get Toshiro as he is a really nice model and can tie in nicely with both Nicodem & Yan Lo.

There is a campaign starting at our local gaming club, in which I am participating as part of the Ten Thunders! We're starting off with just the box sets then progressing from there, starting with 25ss then increasing in incriments of 10 each week. Because of this I am tempted to get some Ten Thunders Archers. They are really nice models so hopefully they play as nicely as they look!

Anyway thanks for your interest and I hope you like!

As always C&C is welcome!

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  • 5 months later...

Since the release of the M2E Beta i've stretched away from Ressers and moved more towards both T10 and Neverborn. I recently got the New Lilith crew and the first things I noticed was how amazing the models actually are. Although this is the case I would say that the instructions actually seemed to be a little rushed, as each model was on individual pieces of paper instead of the nicely laid out instructions that came with the Lady J (i don't own it but had to make it before my LFGS went to Essen for a convention).

Anyway instead of rambling I'll show u my efforts at painting Lilith. I think she turned out ok. This is also the first time i tried non mettalic metals but I think it turned out ok.



I'll post more progress as I complete more models. Ill also post my Lynch and Misaki crew as soon as they come back from their travels to Essen!

I hope you enjoyed. Feedback would be greatly welcomed.

Thanks for reading

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Ok so today I decided to mess around with making bases for my Lilith Crew. I decided to go with forest themed bases cos.....well she lives in/ likes the forest. This is the completed base (except for blacking round the lip!) Sorry in advance for the poor picture quality, had to take them off my camera today!


Those leaves are actually sage and oregano dried herbs which I have soaked in a brown wash. Lukily the wash and matt varnish actually locks in the smell! Finally here is Lilith on her base. I am now really happy with her. Since her last showing, ive lightened her skin a little, as well as attempt to do her eyes. Its kinda worked....


Finally I've completed the Terror Tots. These I am REALLY happy with. Theyv've come out very well. Just gotta make bases for them then they will be perfect.


My next projects will be to paint up Barbaros and the Cherub. Im not sure what paint schemes to do them in tho. I thought of doing them like the Terror Tots, but would that be too much red?

You guys help would be great!

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