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Hamelin V Leveticus

Mr Motley

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Im thinking of getting Hamelin as I like the twisted pide piper idea but was told that he was far to overpowered but now with the update I think it’s time. I do have one problem and that’s with Leveticus. I play against Leveticus a lot and im thinking hes going to love all the low Wd low Df minions that Hamelin has and turn 3 rats in to Steampunk Abomination’s every turn and that the poor rat catchers won’t last long.

Im still going to get Hamelin but im hoping you have some advice on what to or if I should just not use Hamelin against Leveticus at all.

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His only spell that permanent destroy rats is Entropic Transformation. As it is the only one that sacrifices and doesn't kill. And even then he can only get a waif from your models.

Otherwise if your rats are within 6 oh Hammy or Rat Catchers then you will just get another rat and he will not be able summon anything..

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I play Levi and Hammy. Hamelin is much better since the errata (I had to shelve him for a while until it came out as no one wanted to play against him, and even now I struggle to find willing victims). You are right to be concerned about the match, though, although not for the reasons you think.

Levi will generally struggle to turn rats into SPAs given specifics of the Voracious Rats aura (although will do so easily if any rat is caught outside the aura). But that isn't how Levi tackles Hamelin in the first place.

A Hamelin crew hangs around a few key models - Hamelin himself, Nix and the Ratcatchers. The rats themselves, and the Stolen, are just the tools used by those other models and something of a shield to protect them. Levi is remarkably well suited to rip out the key models in the group without worrying about the shield.

Levi alone can take out a Ratcatcher (ignoring the armour that the rats provide by directly inflicting wounds with his spells) and then step up and wipe out the rats with his Desolation spell. Or just start churning our SPAs from the rats once the 'Catcher is gone. If he pulls the Rusty Alyce/Ashes & Dust Burn Out trick then he can conceivably turn an entire rat swarm into SPAs before Hamelin has a chance to react.

A large part of Nix's resilience relies on the fact that he is a spirit. Again, Levi doesn't much care.

Hamelin himself can be harder to take down if he keeps a Stolen or two around, but his signature trick is turning his opponents insignificant, preventing them from achieving objectives or harming him (although the errata makes it slightly easier). Levi's death cycle breaks that completely, Ashes & Dust has a similar response, and the SPAs are insiginificant anyway and can rely on their aura damage to harm Hamelin if they wish.

It may not be as easy as I have suggested - timing could allow the rats to summon another Catcher before the Levi crew can wipe out the swarm, for example (although that removes three rats from play anyway), and Hammy will find it pretty easy to turn SPAs into rats in return - but I would say that Levi is definitely one of the stronger masters against a Hamelin crew.

If you want to take out Leveticus then play the Dreamer.

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Yeah, Hamlin is a bad match up agains Levi for the reasons well stated above. He also has a lot of options in his crew that can be Immune to Influence, can lure (to take out Nix or a Rat Catcher), and can do some movement tricks (Drwned, Hanged etc).

If you are going to play against Levi, try to do a non standard Hamlin list with models such as Candy, Crooligans, tots, hounds etc. Then go for objectives and either try to kill Levi right away or avoid him. You can use Hamlin to try to pin Levi by controlling some of his minions or threatening his Waifs.

Good luck...

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Yeah, Hamlin is a bad match up agains Levi for the reasons well stated above. He also has a lot of options in his crew that can be Immune to Influence, can lure (to take out Nix or a Rat Catcher), and can do some movement tricks (Drwned, Hanged etc).

That is worth repeating. Leveticus has a much wider pool of potential hires than Hamelin, and outside his core list he can call on plenty of stuff which will make Hamelin cry like a little girl.

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