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MultiPlayer 3-player setup "question"



This isn't so much a rules question so much as it is looking for possible suggestions on an issue that came up with the new multiplayer rules.

Played a three player game this past weekend and we had Shared Claim Jump as the strategy. When it came to deployment zones and the claim markers, we ran into an issue where in a three player game one person is always going to get hosed for markers with this strategy.


Player 1 has central deployment and places a marker on the closest edge of one of the long zones.

Player 2 has long edge deployment and places a marker on the closest edge of the central zone.

The only zone left for Player 3 is the far long edge of the board.

Example setup issue.


There doesn't seem to be any way to avoid this and it always means that the last person to place their marker is always going to have the longest distance to cover in order to get to their marker which is a marked disadvantage.

Does anyone have any thoughts or suggestions on how to address this? I can't think of any way to fix this via placement. Maybe something else, like a couple extra SS in the crew hiring to offset the penalty or something?

Edited by Jonasty
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