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Seamus and "(0) No Escape"



Was looking at this and wondered about something. Seamus' action reads:

(0) No Escape: Target a model within 6”. This model may immediately Charge target if target is moved using a movement effect. No Escape ends when this model Charges this turn or at the Start Closing Phase.

I realize the design of this is usually to have Seamus affect a target with it, have a Belle "Lure" the target towards her, and let Seamus make (essentially) a (0) Charge on the target.

However, I was wondering what counts as a movement effect? Does walking or charging count?

If so, is it technically possible for Seamus to use this to "Charge" his allies and get a free 8" move? For example, could I do this:

1) Seamus uses "No Escape" on a Belle 5" away from himself. His activation ends.

2) The Belle walks 4+2" (ty "Belles of the Ball" ability!) to move 6".

3) Seamus charges after the Belle, also moving 6" (remaining 5" away from her)

I assume, given how the ability is worded, Seamus charges AFTER the target has moved. Or do I have that wrong?

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Seamus charges immediately. So before the moving effect takes place.

And Walk and Charge actions are definetely movement effects so does any push that states a specific distance (like push this model 4" away) and not a specific place (like push this model into base contact with...). The later case is a placement effect now.

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Yes, you can use it to get free movement. But as above, it goes off before the target moves.

(Which is stupid, and I wish it was stipulated as "Before or after the target moves," because then you could chase people who get out of Seamus' melee range, as the ability's name would suggest. Oh well. It's not like Seamus wants to be in melee much anyway.)

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Keep in mind that a Charge action states that you move the distance in a straight line towards the model and you need to do everything you can to get it in melee combat (also you cannot charge something that is already in melee with it)

Because the wording of Charge says "toward" and not "directly toward", that means you can make the line go a different direction as long as you trying your best to get into melee with the target.

On Pg 36 of the RM shows what you can do. You can go in on an angle towards the Belle which would move Seamus past the Belle instead of head-on.

It's just critical that you make sure you are trying your hardest to get into melee combat. If the only way to get into melee combat is to charge head-on, then that's the only way you can charge the target.

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