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Mr Magpie Traveling Circus

Sliver Chocobo

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So I worked out that I have a few Arcanist/Neverborn members some Ressers many outcasts and one guild and no ten Thunders so....

Jack, the tattooed woman

Ten Thunders minion

Circus Member

Wk/Cg 5/7 Ht 2 Wp 8 Ca 5:tomes Df 4 Wd 10

Dragon Fist

Rg : :ranged5

Cb *

Dg 2/3:blast/4:blast

Jack Hammer kick

Rg :melee3

Cb 5

Dg 2/3/6

Tiger's Claws

Rg :melee1

Rg 5:crows

Dg 3/4/5



living tattoo's : at the start of the encounter, before deploying this model, choose one of the following abilities this model is considered to have that effect written on this stat card for the duration of the encounter

Flames of dying Phoenix: this model gain regeneration 2 and slow to die

Rage of the Ox: this model gain +1Cb when making strikes

Glory of the Dragon: Dragon fist weapon becomes magical

The hidden dagger: From the shadows. enemy ranged attack flips recive a :-fate when made more than 6" away

Beautiful and deadly: This model gains irrsisitble and terrifying->12, Ht1 must pass a terrifying->13 instead, this models loses Intimidating

Swift lightening: this model performs a full activation before the first turn of the game, after each player has finished deploying their models and drawn their control hand.

As the Wind: this model gains Nimble and has +1:masks to her Df

No respect for authority: this model gains :+fate to attack and damage flips against guardsmen, M&SU as well as models with use Soulstone



Dragon fist: this weapon uses this models Ca to make strikes with. After this model as successfully made a strike with this weapon, push this model 2" towards the defender. Models damaged by this weapon recive a burning token

Jackhammer Kick: after hitting a defender with this weapon place this model touching the defenders base.

Tigers Claws Paired. This weapons damage recives a :+fate when inflicting damaga to a model with one or more burning Tokens. Models damaged by this weapon recive a burning token


Ca (:rams) Firebird kick [Dragon fist] after damaging the defender, this model may perform a Jackhammer Kick, models damaged by this weapon gain a burning token

Ca (:tomes:tomes) Double Dragon [Dragon fist] After damaging the defender, this model may perform a Dragon fist strike on the same defender

Ca (:tomes:masks) Ember wing sweep [Dragon fist, flame spiral Punch] model within 3" of Jack must pass a Df->10 or recive a burning token

Cb (:crows) Raging River [Tiger Claws] after damaging the defender perform another tiger claws strike

Cb(:masks) Swift Eagle [Jackhammer Kick, Tiger Claws] After damaging the defender place this model upto 4" away from the target

Df (:masks:masks) coiled Serpent : after an attacker misses this model with strike, push this model up to 3" away from the target

Df (:masks:masks) coiled Viper : after an attack misses this model with a ranged strike within 5" this model perfore a Dragon fist strike against that model


(1) Flame spiral punch

(CC 11:tomes/Rst-/Rg-) place a 50mm base in contact with this model, models in or in contact with it must pass a Df->12 duel or suffering 2/3/3, models damage this way recive a burning token

(1) Dancing Serpent

(CC12:tomes) Push this model up to 4" this model gains +1:masks to it Df, this effect is cumulative and last until the start of the end closing phase

(All) Living art

(CC15/Rst-/Rg-) Choose a living tattoo effect that Jack currently is not effected by, Jack gain that effect addition to the other effects

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