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WIP/First models!


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Heya! I've been into tabletop games for the last 5 years or so, mainly RPGs like Dungeons and Dragons and Word of Darkness, but Malifaux is the first war/skirmish game that I've enjoyed playing beyond, "Oh, that's a pretty cool model."

Now, I've been looking into it for a while, and my FLGS had a sale going on. I was able to get the new plastic fate deck and the dreamer's box for about $40.

I also went and got some paints and brushes not too long after that.

These are the results. This is the first thing I've painted aside from a few walls

These pics were actually taken a while ago, I've been trying to take better pictures, but I don't have any good lights around, and it's been overcast here in SE Michigan for a while so using natural light is out. Any tips for taking good pics on the cheap?

I was too afraid of over thinning my paints, and it shows. I also was kind of rushing near the end, and I was excited that I just finished painting my FIRST models, I didn't even let the wash dry. I'm most proud of Lord Chompy bits and Coppelius. Though they both still need to be touched up in a few places (looks like you've got some muffin top goin on there LCB)

I don't have the dreamer pictured because he looks like utter ****e. No two ways about it. I'm ashamed of him. And the other Stitched Together I finished not too long ago, I just haven't been able to take pics

Welp, Have at thee!


Edited by Aloki
well then, I pasted it twice whoops
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I've been a bit strapped for cash, so I was reading around online and a lot of sites said cheapo acrylic paints work just fine, they're some no name from walmart

I only thinned them down to about the consistency of one of those yogurt smoothies, though the more I read the more people say it should be about the consistency of milk. Lesson learned

I primed them all in black, I wanted them to look grittier and grimer, since they're nightmares and all.

I did the usual paint from the inside, start with a darker base then work your way up. With LCB from the black primer, I went to a gray, did a coat of that. Did another coat and I thought it was a tad dark so I added a touch of white.

Followed the same process with the red on the sash, I had some darker red paint for the base then I added a touch of white. I forgot exactly how many, but I think it was 3 coats of gray and red.

Since he is an unnatural abomination I didn't want his mouth to be the usual pinkish red, so I mixed up a foul looking purple. I'm quite proud of the color scheme actually.

The skull and teeth was white mixed with a bit of tan and yellow for a boney/off white. Applying a couple of coats of that over the gray wasn't too bad

Took a bit of dark red for the eyes and used a really fine brush to get it in the sockets for an evil look, though the purple might have looked better. Not sure.

For the chains it was yellow with a touch of black to darken it up a tad. using a fine brush I was able to get them fairly well accurately.

I also tried dry brushing some white onto LCB's cloth to make it look a little more sheer. The Lord of Nightmares has to enjoy the finer things in... unlife? no?

I was going for a sort of "connecting theme" of red. LCB has his red sash, Coppelius his coat, the gore of the stitched togethers, and the Dreamer I gave a red blanket. I plan on stripping him, priming him in white and then going from there

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