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Tournament's Outcasts


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Hi all,

I play for a while with my Leve but in the immediate future i will make normal tournaments. So i need more Outcasts band no only Leveticus *drool*

Ok right now i have:

Leveticus, Steampunk Necromancer

Collodi [8ss]

Grave Spirit [1ss]

Canine Remains [2ss]

Canine Remains [2ss]

Desolation Engine [12ss]

Lazarus [8ss]

Marionette [2ss]

Marionette [2ss]

Marionette [2ss]

Marionette [2ss]

Rusty Alyce [8ss]

Steampunk Abomination [3ss]

Steampunk Abomination [3ss]

Steampunk Abomination [3ss]

Steampunk Abomination [3ss]

Wicked Doll [3ss]

Wicked Doll [3ss]

Wicked Doll [3ss]




My band for 35 SS is:

Outcasts Crew - 35 - Scrap

Leveticus, Steampunk Necromancer
8 Pool


Grave Spirit [1ss]

  • Canine Remains

  • Lazarus

  • Marionette

  • Marionette

  • Marionette

  • Marionette

Is thet Jack Daw thet good to take him over Lazarus ??

And more important ;) I thing abaut 2 more crews Viks and Hemi who will by like thet :

Outcasts Crew - 35 - Scrap

6 Pool

  • Desperate Mercenary

  • Desperate Mercenary

  • Freikorps Strongarm Suit

  • Ronin

  • Ronin

  • Vanessa, Treasure Hunter

Outcasts Crew - 35 - Scrap

Hamelin the Plagued
8 Pool

  • Malifaux Rat

  • Malifaux Rat

  • Malifaux Rat

  • Nix, the Bull Terrier

  • Rat Catcher

  • The Stolen

  • The Stolen

  • The Stolen

But for me thet Hamelin band look's strangely ;) Thet 3 band's will b enough to fight vs pandora/lilith :) ? Or what shoud i hange what is more effective on tournament's ?

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Vanessa looks really cool, but you may not want to neglect a Freikorps Librarian. Her healing has helped my Viks survive many fights especially since she can triple cast the heal on one Vik and you end up getting a total of 6 healing flips (without a Red Joker that's a maximum of 9 wounds healed per Vik). This has (combined with a wound prevention maybe) has allowed my Viks to go from almost dead to deadly in a round. I'm not sure whether the strongarm suit or the Librarian would be better, I just don't know enough about the Strongarm Suit to tell (I don't own Book 4). You Leveticus looks good, but I don't know if the grave spirit is worth it or if you really need 8 Soulstons with Levi. I can usually get away with only 3 or 4, 8 SS is usually overkill for me, but that's just personal preference. You could always get a Watcher for movement based games and that would allow Lazarus to get Fly High, which lets him ignore Disengaging strikes and (more importantly) ignore friendly models for LOS. I would maybe lose the grave spirit, and take a watcher instead, bringing you to a still healthy 5 soulstones for Levi. Like I said, it's all up to the personal preference though.

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