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Sculptor's challenge, Mako's den of flying monster fun


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Well, I've been debating what to do for the challenge, and today during a long dull work afternoon I found myself doodling. Which rapidly became a concept sketch for a necro-alchemy style creature. Or at least, part of it. For now, I'm calling it the spire hunter (for lack of a better name). I do have doubts if it truly fits in malifaux, but its too awesome (in my head at any rate...) to not do!

So here it is, the first concept sketch of part of the spire hunter:


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Mostly the wings, but given i actually really enjoyed the doodling process for once I'll probably get some more done tomorrow in gaps at work. It will be basically human, since it's a rather bizarre graft onto a body, so probably something a little Frankenstein and a little renaissance at the same time. He's going to be a bit like a harpy in the end though.

And I'm thinking I could have him starting a swan dive off a rooftop, although pose is still something I haven't worked out yet. Since he'll have no hands, he can't hold on to things!

Also not sure if I should have sparse feathers sewn into the wing flesh or not, I liked the idea at first but now I can't decide if they'll look wrong given the look so far.

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Here's a very early concept for the chest, I've not fully settled on the design yet but there are a couple of things I want to be visible. One, the going barrel (the actual spring wound inside the cylinder). Two, at least part of the pump. I think I've just worked out how I'll do that. Three, the lungs - its important there's still organic stuff working in there, even if it is cam driven due to the ribs being removed!


Webmonkey suggested a pendulum in the stomach cavity, I'm still tossing that idea about to see if I can make it fit with this being a diving hunter, like a bird of prey. Upside down, pendulums don't work, see...

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  • 1 month later...

Yeah, the wings will come from the arms. That's the major reason the muscles are so heavy on them. I'll probably work on those tomorrow, which should make the pose and such clearer and more obvious. And the face is only very early too, I roughed out the bulk before I went out tonight. That's the first thing on the list for tomorrow.

It will be a bit earlier than the infamy miniatures stuff Normski, it's roughly renaissance alchemy coupled with dissection. But a similar vein, aye.

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