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BillyGoat's Hobby


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I have to ask, what is the recipe that you used for the white of Mr Graves' shirt? It looks great!

Wow sorry for blowing you off for 3 months! Buying and moving into a new house has occupied a lot of my time. For the shirt I used Reaper Master Series Snow Shadow (#09021) as a base then layered up to almost pure white.

So as I was talking the other day about painting with a guy in my group, I realized that only painted one model so far in 2013. And that's not even fair because it was started in October and left sitting on the desk until I packed it up in my move. So, I recently pulled Nino back out and finished up my first model of 2013:



This got the ball rolling it seems. I'm definitely back in the mood to lay down some paint. For Christmas every year my group has a paint exchange and I got Ryle done up for me this time. Today I finished up the base to match my crew and snapped a few shots:



I now have an Austringer on the painting table about 1/4 of the way done so he'll be next.

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