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Rail Crew Plastic Comments (don't worry, it's good stuff)


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I'll try and snag some pictures tomorrow, but just finished building the rail crew. I was really blown away by the malifaux plastics. They are as good as GW ones at their best. The detail is astounding and they handle the smaller, finer models very well. The cuts that have been made for assembly are fantastic and really well crafted. You'll see in the pics tomorrow, but one example was Kang's ponytail. It is a separate piece but they made it with supports down his back so that it isnt just going to snap off. Mei feng with her jumping pose just shows off how dynamic they can be. the only sort of let down is the emberling. It is basically a coal fire golem, so you expect a chunky creature, which is what you get. Unfortunately this style does not fit with the rest of the crew. The sculpt is still good, but in the overall look of the crew he does not fit.

I would have to say that the quality of these models is on par with GW again. GW plastics in recent times have been fantastic (go look at the dark eldar). Whoever they got to do the plastics knows what they are doing, and if they are freelance and taking up other clients the we are all in for a treat. It would not be a far stetch to say that they guys doing it are ex GW, since they see, very similar. The design of the models is almost as good as infinity. I know I moan about this all the time (for those who know me, I try to stop on forums), but I have to repeat it; iPP should sit up and take notice. This is how you do plastic. PP are a far larger company, but the plastic they have is terrible in every way. If I was them I would be doing everything to find out who Wyrd is using and get them working on some jacks right away. this is how to do plastic. Do not think that Wyrd have gone down the PP route with plastic, this stuff is far superior

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