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UNB Fighter's Guild Demos


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With classes back in session I've been getting involved again with the local tabletop and pen & paper society on campus. The Fighter Guild meets every Wednesday from 6 until 9 at the UNB Student Union Building in room 103. Alex has been putting in a lot of work to change the society from a weekly D&D group to an excellent networking hub for any form of tabletop or P&P gaming. Which is why I'll be running demos for Malifaux every meeting I can make it to for the next few weeks. My goal is to get enough players started to kick off a small league after the conclusion of the 40k campaign that is currently in the works.

Membership is completely free and its open to anyone. This includes students from STU and NBCC, as well as any non-student in Fredericton. If you'd like to be added to the mailing list either stop by this Wednesday and somebody will gladly add you, or just shoot an email to tfg.unb@gmail.com. There is a lot of people looking to try out new things, so even if Malifaux isn't your thing you'll probably find something enjoyable.

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