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Im looking to get aViks model moslty cos i like the look but i might use them in a game or 2.

Dose anyone have tips on how to use it, like when is best to deply her.

I am thinking

Viks +aViks 2ss

Von Schill +9ss

Librarion +7ss

Specialist +5ss

Misaki +7ss

5ss to spend on viks

Edited by Nazull
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I recommend dropping the specialist for a desperate merc and pocketing the extra SS. And maybe subbing out misaki for a ronin. I'm all for Misaki... But it'll ruin your day if you can't avatar out because your Vik(s) are dead. The specialist is cool and all... But the Viks are pretty SS dependent. When you avatar out, you'll be annihilating everything... But with Df 5, they'll have a fair shot back at you, if they aren't dead.

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Absolutely agree with Mournafein. You really want at least 6ss with the Viks, especially if you plan to take out their Avatar. I would also consider taking Taelor instead of Misaki as she has better chance of survival. Misaki works well with Ten Thunders.

The Ronin are very adaptable with the Viks and can defend/attack as necessary, so they are a no brainer for my lists.

Von Schill seems very expensive but could be a useful objective seeker. It would just suck to lose him without doing some useful things, and it is tempting to separate him from the rest of your crew with his fast movement.

Avatar: The first action the aViks must take is a melee strike against the closest model or they suffer wounds. So bringing it out when you are near enemies (especially lots of them) is the best move. Depending on flips, you will be carving away. You could also strategically bring it out to keep enemies away from an objective. aViks has no movement, but it has lots of abilities/spells to get into fights on the board. Unless your opponent has an aMaster out as well, you can guarantee that aViks is going to make an impression.

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If you switch out Misaki for a Ronin, I wouldn't bother with switching out the specialist.

Von Schill is also good for "OUR KILL!"ing your way across the board.

Exactly what I thought for Von Schill. I did mean to put "Or switch out." My mistake. I still think that there should be a Ronin there... Just an opinion, though. It'd be inconvenient to be out a Vik because you can't bring it back.

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Eh, I don't think they require eight... But 6 or seven at least, all other matters aside. To say the least... The Viks are the proverbial glass cannon of Malifaux. That being said, Dumb Luck is right... If you can get the 8ss in... It's extremely advised, no matter how you cut it. It's one reason the Ronin are so valuable. In a position where it's going to die? Net a couple SS for your trouble.

The only problem I see with your Von Schill list is the lack of melee prowess... But I suppose they easily make up for that with Armor, numbers, extremely high WP, and they can hold their own in melee... Not to say it's the best idea.

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The Viks aren't the only glass cannons, Sonnia Criid is also quite frail, but she can also reduce a crew to cinders in a single activation.

Criid is much more resilient than the Viks. Someone is desperate or confident to target her with any form of magic. She also is well-built to stay at range... Helping her survivability. Criid also starts with an SS cache, which is a big deal.

All of that said, in melee, she is anything but resilient... But I haven't seen people get that close without spontaneously combusting the next time she activates. The Viks are victims of their own prowess. Avatar Viks will ruin your enemy's day, just as Criid will, though!

Edited by Mournafein
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ok if i get rid of the 2 Frikorps Trappers and ger 3 more Frikorpman, so i have 4 guys to run up woth Von Schill

Von Schill with a 4ss pull

Frikorpman 4ss

Frikorpman 4ss

Frikorpman 4ss

Frikorpman 4ss

Frikorps Librarian 7SS

Frikorps Librarian 7SS

Frikorps Specialist 5ss

My Criid List is BTs list.

Sonnia Criid 2ss for Avatar and has a 5ss cash

Fire Gamin 4ss

Fire Gamin 4ss

Fire Gamin 4ss

Guild Hound 3ss

Guild Hound 3ss

Witchling Handler 7ss

Witchling Stalker 4ss

Witchling Stalker 4ss

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