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Story Encounter: Overabundance

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Here's a Story Encounter! It's intended for three players: one plays an infestation of overly thriving plants, the other two play crews as usual, who are trying to cut some lumber without being eaten by the plants.

(Originally, this was one of three encounters, all for three players, all centered around Spring-related themes. But this was the only one I managed to get enough playtests in on, and Spring's over now. So here it is! I'll post the others when they're playtested more, even if Spring is long past.)

* * *


A Story Encounter for Malifaux

by TedPro

(with huge thanks to Lifeblood, Justin, Howard, and Becca for playtesting and feedback)

The forests are teeming with new growth and resources!

This abundance is valuable: you can use newly-cut wood to build new

structure and thrive.

Unfortunately, the trees may just do the same to you, instead.


This scenario is designed for 3 players and will not work well with fewer.

Play in an outdoor setting with natural features. Do not flip for special terrain features. Do not place any forest terrains initially.

Select one player to play the Verdant Infestation. All other players play Crew as usual.

The player of the Verdant Infestation chooses Schemes and a Crew as usual, limited by the Verdant Infestation's hiring restrictions. Verdant Infestation cannot choose any Schemes that refer to any player's Deployment Zone or side of the board, but can choose Neverborn Faction-specific Schemes.

Verdant Infestation is always last in the deployment order.

Immediately after deployment order is determined, place exactly four forest terrains, about 3" diameter each. One should be in the center of the board. Each player places a forest terrain within 10" of the center forest terrain, and at least 4" from any other forest terrain, in deployment order. Do not place any forest within 1” of any Deployment Zone. Mark the center forest as Infested.

Place 3 Wood Counters on each forest placed during this period. (Note, however, that you should not place Wood Counters on any forest terrain created by other effects outside this scenario, such as the Illusiory Forest spell or Avatar Lillith's Manifest requirements.)

Deploy the Verdant Infestation's crew in base contact with the forest terrain in the center of the board. Other players use Corners Deployment.

* * *

Special Rules

Chopping Wood:

Any non-Insignificant, non-Plant models can take the following action:

(2) Chop: Usable only while in base contact with a forest terrain that has Wood Counters. Gain one Wood Counter from the forest terrain. If you remove the last Wood Counter, remove the forest from play.

Infested Forests:

At the start of the game, the center forest terrain is Infested. Mark Infested Forests with some kind of special marker, token, or figure. Forests may gain the Infested trait during play. Infested forests are hazardous, and do Dg 1 to non-Plant models that enter base contact with the forest.

Wood Counters:

A non-Insignificant, non-Plant model can carry any number of Wood Counters. Wood Counters do not impede movement. A non-Insignificant, non-Plant model can drop Wood Counters into base contact at any time, and pick up Wood Counters any time they are in base contact (similar to Corpse or Scrap Counters). Wood Counters drop when a model leaves play, like other counters.

* * *

Victory Conditions

Verdant Infestation:

(Gain VP for any and all that apply.)

+1 VP per Infested Forest terrain in play (maximum 4).

Other Masters:

(Gain VP for any and all that apply.)

+1 VP if you have at least one Wood Counter carried by friendly non-Insignificant models in your Deployment Zone.

+1 VP if you have at least six Wood Counters carried by friendly non-Insignificant models in your Deployment Zone.

+2 VP if your models are carrying more Wood Counters than any opponent's models.

* * *

Special Model: Verdant Infestation, Neverborn Master

(Suggested models: Dire Mushrooms, Avatar Zoraida, Bad Juju, Large Steampunk Arachnid, Avatar Kirai, Ashes and Dust)

Verdant Infestation


Plant, Graverobber, 50mm Base

Wk/Cg -/-

Ht 3

Df 1

Wp 7

Ca 6:masks

Wd 10

Whipping Tendrils

Rg 3 :melee

Cb 6 :masks

Dg 3/4/6


Crawling Doom: This model can only hire Plant models, Doppelgangers, and Waldgeists. Waldgeists hired by this Crew gain the Plant trait.

Black Heart of the Woods: Any forest terrain in base contact with Verdant Infestation becomes Infested immediately.

Immobile: This model's position in play may not be changed by movement effects or placement effects. This model cannot be buried.

Fertile Spores: All models in base contact with an Infested Forest are considered living, leave behind Corpse Counters when killed, and lose any immunity to Terrifying or Morale duels. This cannot be modified by other Talents.

Root System: Verdant Infestation loses 1 Wd whenever another model successfully takes a (2) Chop action, or when a friendly Plant model is killed. Verdant Infestation heals 1 Wd whenever another friendly Plant model makes a healing flip.

Thorny Undergrowth: An enemy model cannot target Verdant Infestation unless it has already taken a (2) Chop action in the same activation. Any model that makes a melee attack against this model suffers 1 Dg.

Nature's Revenge: If there are only two forest terrains with Wood Counters in play, this model gains Ca +2:masks. If there are no forest terrains with Wood Counters in play, this model gains an additional Ca +2.


Instinctive (+1)

(1) Consume Small Furry Animals: Gain a Corpse Counter.

(0) Animation: Place a Thorny Vine in base contact with any Infested Forest terrain.

(0) Spread Infestation: One forest terrain in base contact with any friendly Plant model gains the Infested trait until it is removed.

(1) Thrive: This model or target friendly Plant makes a Healing Flip.

(0) Burst of Growth: Discard one Corpse Counter carried by this model or within 6". All Infested Forests gain 3 Wood Counters.


Cb (:masks:masks) Flay [Whipping Tendrils]


(0) Thrashing Frenzy (CC: 15 :masks / Rst: - / Rg: C ) This model gains Wicked and its melee attacks become Paired. Lasts until the start of this model's next activation.

(0) Blooming Display (CC: 10 :rams / Rst: - / Rg: C ) This model gains Terrifying -> 12, and enemy models gain :-fate while attacking this model. Lasts until the start of this model's next activation.

(1) Parasitic Growth (CC: 13 :crows:masks / Rst: - / Rg: 18) Discard one Corpse Counter carried by this model or within 6". This model takes 6 Wd. Summon one Corpseflower into base contact with any Infested forest terrain.

(2) Blood-Rich Soil (CC 16 :masks:masks / Rst: - / Rg: :pulse6) Discard three Corpse Counters carried by this model or within 6". Nominate one effect: Cb +1 to one basic weapon, Cb +:rams to one basic weapon, Critical Strike with one basic weapon, or Df +1. All other friendly Plant models within :pulse gain this effect until this end of the encounter. Multiple effects can apply, but each weapon can receive each benefit only once.

(2) Regrowth (CC 18 :masks:masks / Rst: - / Rg: C) Discard three Corpse Counters carried by this model or within 6”. Place a forest terrain in base contact with this model and place three Wood Counters on it. Only usable when there are fewer than four forest terrains with Wood Counters in play.

* * *

Special Model: Corpseflower, Neverborn Minion

(Suggested models: Soulstone Miner, Steampunk Arachnid Swarm, either Avatar Pandora, Razorspine Rattler, Dust Storm)



Plant, Graverobber, 40 mm base

Wk/Cg -/-

Ht 3

Df 4

Wp 5

Ca 5:crows

Wd 8

Chomping Flytrap

Rg 2 :melee

Cb 5 :masks

Dg 3/3/6

Poison Spray

Rg 10 :ranged

Cb 6

Dg 1/2/3


Terrifying -> 11

Immobile: This model's position in play may not be changed by movement effects or placement effects. This model cannot be buried.

Parasitic: Kill this model at the start of its activation if it is not in base contact with Verdant Infestation, or an Infested forest terrain.

Symbiotic: If a friendly Verdant Infestation or Corpseflower in base contact with this model is killed or sacrificed, you may sacrifice this model to prevent that model from being killed. If you do so, heal that model of all Wd.

Beguiling Perfume: This model gains Ca +2:masks when casting Lure.

Hard to Kill

Slow to Die



Poison Spray: Poison 2.


Cb (:masks:rams) Chomp! [Chomping Flytrap]: After damaging defender, make a Healing Flip.


(0) Enchanted Pollen (CC: 13 :crows / Rst: Df / Rg: :pulse2 ) Dg 2 to non-Plant models. Plant models can discard a Corpse Counter carried or within 6” to make a Healing Flip.

(1) Lure (CC: 12 :crows:masks / Rst: Wp / Rg: 18) Push target model its Wk towards this model. If the Push ends with the target in this model's melee range it makes a melee attack against the target.

* * *

Special Model: Thorny Vine, Neverborn Minion

(Suggested models: Steampunk Arachnid, Purifying Flame, Insidious

Madness, Poltergeist, Primordial Magic, Sorrows, Gaki, Grave Spirit,

Seishin, Malifaux Rats, bayou base inserts)



Plant, Graverobber, 30mm base

Wk/Cg 5/7

Ht 1

Df 6

Wp 4

Ca 1

Wd 3


Rg 1 :melee

Cb 4

Dg 1/3/4





Parasitic: Kill this model at the start of its activation if it is not in base contact with Verdant Infestation, or an Infested forest terrain.

Retracting Vines: During the Start Closing Phase, Push this model into base contact with an Infested forest terrain or Verdant Infestation it was touching at the start of its activation, if one exists.

Entangle: This model gains Cb +2 and :+fate when making Disengaging Strikes


(0) For You, Master: This model discards any number of Corpse Counters. This model's Master gains Corpse Counters equal to the number of counters discarded.

(0) Rapid Evolution: Discard one Corpse Counter. This model gains Nimble (+1). Draw one Control Card.

Edited by Hateful Darkblack
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