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Anyone use a Sihloutte SD for something other than Paper terrain?


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I have a Silhouette cutter that I used for WWG terrain, but I feel like it is being under utilized. When making terrain boards, I wonder if it could be used for other things, such as roof shingles and the like. I have tried it a bit in the past, but my crafty skills do NOT translate well to a PC. But thoughts I have been having include things like sewer grates, wall designs (like carving foam into a brick pattern, then laying a pattern similar to the Terrainlinx City walls over top of it in layers to create a 3d effect), making fancy window frames in layers, etc. I think it would work really well, but my ability to design such things has proven crappy.

Anyone else have any experience trying this, and want to share their GSD's?

Or if maybe you are better with PC graphics programs, translate my rough sketches in to simple black and white pieces that I can then translate into the software and make cut files for.

Just some food for thought.

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