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Sebastian in a Kirai crew


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Was just after a little feed back on a combo that I have been tooling around with (if someone else has already thought of it or its on the forums already, then my bad :S)

So after playing a fair bit of Kirai lately I am frequently running into the issue of using too many Seishin and not being able to keep myself safely on the edge of combat to replenish. My solution to this was to throw Sebastian into the mix, I always take 3 Seishin and a Desperate Merc and a Dog for Datsue-Ba to turn them into Gaki/Onryo, with Sebastian hanging around now I can deploy in a way that I can pick up both of these models Corpse counters and start making more dogs which when killed equal more Seishin and along with Datsue-Ba also possibly more Gaki/Onryo.

Another bonus is that if you can get Sebastian turned into a ghost with the Lost Love then you can pull him along with you with Swirling Spirits and his Surgery ability will allow you to give away healing flips as you find most of the time that there is an abundance of body parts due to only being alble to summon one dog a turn...

Anyone else have a similar tactic? or something that might work alittle better?

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You won't be able to heal with sebastien cause of the restriction saying living or undead model. Your crew will be mostly spirit with some undead dogs.

It does not mean your combo is not good tought. Just play some game and come back tell us more about it. I am interested in your play.

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Oh right the Surgery thing, I left out that I use that as a back up for when Into the Spirit World fails...which for me is alot. (which will work fine as she is still living at that point)

I used to take the Librarian for the heals but that was damn expensive, but a Friekorps Spirit was freaking amazing...

But yeah, I have played a few games with him in the crew but I will definately be playing some more of him thats for sure

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Good to know. I love Sebastien so i might trie it. I still use him in McMourning Crew but he never really did de job but has a Spirit with all his movement that he could get from Ikirio and Kirai i think it would work good.

Let me know how it goes.

Ps: Welcome to the forum Btw

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To be honest, I like having the corpse counters from the merc/dog so that my gaki become more resilient. Snack+Slow to Die is full of win.

Yeah, thats how I used to look at it, but now I dont really mind using them as cannon fodder as they come quite cheap if you can pull them off with datsue-ba, they can always use the corpse counters out in combat as the dog/seb corpse counters will be fairly close to kirai, and thats not where I want the combat to be :P

Thanks Morpsele :D

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I read on kirai that none spirit when hired in her group becomes rare 1. So are you guys bringing only one dog? And if so don't they keep that after so you can only have one on the table at all time? How are you playing them in her crew?

Don't get me wrong i love my dogs and would like to have some with her.

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