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Painted models and stuff

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Another update, although starting to feel the pressure with the tournament in just over a weeks time and the Warmachine league now well under way. Not sure things are getting the time the deserve.

First up the doppelganger


The Wicked Dolls previously mentioned


I need to tidy up and highlight their bases yet.

And the big Hordes gribbly



Really struggling with painting the legion so thinking of trying to change the colour scheme a bit and change the powder blue for a vallejo heavy warmgrey. Any legion players/painters here? Your advice would be more than welcome.


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Is the Ravagore your only Legion model, painted so far? If so it may be easier to change the Blight Blast, as at the moment it blends with the body. Something nice and bright, to draw the eye towards it, which you could then add throughout your force.

Not done a Ravagore yet, but here is my Carnivean. I reversed the light flesh and dark bone, for dark flesh and light bone.


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Is the Ravagore your only Legion model, painted so far? If so it may be easier to change the Blight Blast, as at the moment it blends with the body. Something nice and bright, to draw the eye towards it, which you could then add throughout your force.

Just the ravagore and a few shredders so far so it certainly wouldn't be the end of the world if I needed to change them.

I think I will try your idea and have a crack at changing up the blight blast and take it from there. Thanks for that.

(Also, I like the reversed colour scheme. The plateing looks much better with the light colour as the washes and highlights really show.)

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So, the last weekend before the tournament and being laid low with a cold slowed things down a little.

As such no Brutal Effigy or extra Waldgeist will be bought at this poit as won't have time to paint them. Sue has also, been messed up slightly so while I really wanted him done he may need some remedial attention.

4 Marionettes done. Pictured here with my Collodi proxy. Actual Collodi will be painted through the week.


And rather more pleasingly, Tuco. Who has been the beneficiary of my first attempt at Blending (When I actually know how to do it), and whilst it is by no means perfect I am hugely satisfied with it and his trenchcoat in general.


Will need to buy some cheap generic miniatures to get some practice at it.

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