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Carnival of Doom

Iron Heel

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I'm new to the game. Read a lot and posted a couple times here, but I have very little gaming time and I've not even gotten my first game in yet.

I really like the whole evil toy theme and want to do a "Carnival of Doom!" crew.

Here is what I am looking at thus far:

Neverborn Crew - 35 - Scrap

Zoraida, the Hag -- 5 Pool

Collodi [8ss]

Killjoy [12ss]

Marionette [2ss]

Marionette [2ss]

Wicked Doll [3ss]

Wicked Doll [3ss]

Stitched Together [5ss]

I will paint Zoraida as a fortune teller and Killjoy as a kloun (misspelled to get through the phobia inspired filter). I know that Killjoy is expensive as hell, but it is a cool piece and looks like he could do some nastiness on the table.

What do you think?

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I was sort of curious as to what carnival relevant swearword the forum had censored, then I remembered that one of the people in charge here apparently suffers from coulrophobia. So that word is verboten.

Anyway, the list itself looks fine. I'm working on something similar myself. Killjoy is pretty expensive, but he's actually good for the cost, unlike some other games I've played where the big expensive cool thing is only useful for tricking newbies into thinking it's worth something. However, in situations where killing things isn't as important as pure survivability, you might want to swap him out for two more Stitched and 2SS.

Since Zoraida can make Wicked Dolls, you might also be able to get rid of one or both if you need the stones for something else. I like having one already on the table at the start so that I don't have to waste a turn making one before the Killjoy Delivery System is ready, but that's just me.

Lelu and Lilitu could be fluffed and painted as... performers. Acrobats or lion tamers or just freak-show types, maybe. Or, yes, that which must not be named on this forum. The two of them require 14 points and pretty much must be taken together, So you'd have to ditch Killjoy and a Wicked Doll to fit them in, but they're another option to consider.

Hope this was of some help to you.

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@ CN the Logos:

L&L as performers...I like it.

I could see a Lelu sans tail/horns with a recently beheaded chicken in his hand...a perfect Geek!

I am glad to know that bricks are of use in the game (while not unstoppable); I am frequently drawn to brick & fodder oriented lists in other games so I am glad to be able to play with the concept in Malifaux.

I put the WDs in because I saw that they have some nice gang-up synergies with their kin and I wanted to free up Z to make her voodoo buddy and do other stuff.

Thanks for the feedback. :1_Happy_Puppet2:

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The effigies could make interesting additions to your "carnival theme". If you are going for looks alone (or just models to add for looks sake) a Slurid could make a great missing link, and you could paint some malifaux raptors as exotic birds. I know i'm kinda heading towards circus here (but you have already mentioned an apparently outlawed C word) but could Pere Ravage make an interesting "pig tamer".

Maybe im being to cuckoo, but thought i'd put the idea out there as I love your crew theme....

EDIT: Its also a shame you cant take Samuel, as his slightly confused look would fit just in!

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EDIT: Its also a shame you cant take Samuel, as his slightly confused look would fit just in!

Do you mean Samael Hopkins? Sonnia's Man Friday?

Because Samuel and Samael are two very different names. Samuel, according to Judaism and Christianity, was the last of the ancient Hebrew judges, who anointed both Saul and David as king over Israel. Samael, according to Judaism, is the Angel of Death, Lilith's second husband and the serpent who convinced Eve to eat the fruit of the knowledge of good and evil according to some legends, and is often considered to be the entity more commonly referred to as Satan.

...I know that was offtopic, but the things those names are referring to are very different, and it was going to bug me if I didn't mention it. Sorry.

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That would be the one. I apologise for my ever present dyslexia...... :(

Yes, Samael Hopkins, the cross-dressing extra from YMCA....

Do you mean Samael Hopkins? Sonnia's Man Friday?

Because Samuel and Samael are two very different names. Samuel, according to Judaism and Christianity, was the last of the ancient Hebrew judges, who anointed both Saul and David as king over Israel. Samael, according to Judaism, is the Angel of Death, Lilith's second husband and the serpent who convinced Eve to eat the fruit of the knowledge of good and evil according to some legends, and is often considered to be the entity more commonly referred to as Satan.

...I know that was offtopic, but the things those names are referring to are very different, and it was going to bug me if I didn't mention it. Sorry.

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That would be the one. I apologise for my ever present dyslexia...... :(

Yes, Samael Hopkins, the cross-dressing extra from YMCA....

Ah, it's nothing, I'm just being especially twitchy at the moment.

He does look a bit taken aback, doesn't he? I wonder what's going through his mind.

"Wait, we actually hunt down witches and set them on fire? I thought you were joking! I only applied for this job because you were offering health and dental insurance!"

Also, if someone actually makes a Village People crew, I will praise them with great praise. You'd probably have to go Guild or Arcanist to pull it off though.

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You couldnt legally use it, but you could have Joss with a converted headdress, Samael, a Union miner (when they come out). Thats your builder, cowboy and 'injun'! Just need to figure out the rest....

The drill sergenat totem with a hat and cuban moustache could be an over dressed biker!

And I never got over Samael having probably the most effective yet worst looking pistol in the whole of book 1!

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