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Can Lelu's heal while buried?

E.T.A. Hoffman

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I would find it hard to believe that buring one would count as applying wounds. The models are still alive and in play just not in the game at the moment.

From the new Bury errata: "While buried, a model is out of play". There shouldn't be any argument over them taking Wds when one is buried. The problem is whether the buried ones also take Wds now.

But, I believe that lilitu can heal herself. As it was said, she can target herself cause she is friendly and in LOS to herself. As I understand the rules on buried now, a model is still in play

See above. She's not in play if she's buried. When she's not buried she can heal herself.

When she is buried, if its decided that she cannot heal herself, then that would mean she cannot take damage from the shared fate thing. Its all or nothing, models buried are either capable of being affected by thier own closing phase abilities or they are not. She cannot be hurt by one rule and not helped by the other.

If she's buried and both effects happen in the end phase (this is the real question) then she'll take the Wds and be able to use her heal ability. However, she won't be able to target herself for healing as she's out of play.

I'm thinking that while effects will end on buried models in the end phase, new effects won't actually occur as the models are out of play.

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