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Story Encounter: The Governor's Speech

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A Story Encounter for Malifaux (PDF)

by TedPro

(with huge thanks to megnc86, lifeblood, kasul, and Justin for feedback and playtesting)

Propaganda is necessary to keep a population productive. But speaking to the people means exposing yourself to reply.


Set the area as a large theatre, or use a random terrain. Choose one player's Crew to be Bodyguards. All other Crews are Assassins. Somewhere near the center, place a 50 mm Podium near the edge of the stage - this counts as Ht 1 flat elevation terrain with the blocking trait. You can use any piece of terrain of about the same size. Designate a large area adjacent to the stage as the Audience area.

Deploy using Corners deployment. Bodyguards deploy on the side closest to the Podium.

After Deployment, place the Governor within 1" of the Podium so that it stands "behind" the podium. If there is no clear place "behind" the podium, place the Governor as close to the center of the board as possible.

Each player places 4 Bystander models. Each Bystander must be within the Audience area, and within 1" of another Bystander, or within 3" of the Governor. Each player places one Bystander at a time, in the same order as deployment.

(Suggested models: For Bystanders, Mindless Zombies, or Bayou Gremlins, or all your unpainted models. For The Governor, Dwead Piwate Wuppwecht, or Som'er Teeth Jones, or Lucius.)

The Governor (and possibly a few panicked Bystanders) act after Activations have ended.

If the Governor or any Bystanders need to flip a card, the player to the left of the active player flips for them. These models never cheat or use soulstones.



(Gain VP for any and all that apply.)

+2 VP if the Governor is still alive at the end of the encounter.

+1 VP if the Governor successfully made at least 6 Speechify Actions.

+1 VP if at least 4 Audience members are still alive at the end of the encounter.


(Gain VP for at most one of the following)

4 VP if a leader you control kills or sacrifices the Governor.

2 VP if a non-leader model you control kills or sacrifices the Governor.

1 VP if the Governor is killed or sacrificed, but it wasn't your model that did it.




30 mm base

Soulstone Cost -- (Scenario)

Wk/Cg: 3/-

Ht: 2

Df: 3

Wp: 3

Ca: 1

Wd: 2



Range: 1" :melee

Cb: 3

Dg: 1/1/2


Opiated Masses: This model is uncontrolled and does not activate as normal during the turn. Before the Governor has taken at least one Wd during the encounter, Bystanders take no actions except to attempt disengaging strikes.

Mob Mentality: After the Governor has taken at least one Wd during the encounter, players, in activation order, activate and control 1 Bystander at the end of the Activation Phase. Each player gets to control only one Bystander each Turn, and two players can't control the same Bystander in the same turn.

Loyal: Bystanders will never attack the Governor, another Bystander, or a Guild Master or Henchman.

Timid: Bystanders cannot move or be pushed into range of any Terrifying effect. If this model begins its activation within the range of a Terrifying effect, it does not make a Morale Check. Instead, it ends its activation immediately.

Neutral: This model does not belong to a Crew.

In the Way: Bystanders will always attempt a disengaging strike against any model except the Governor. A Bystander always succeeds on a disengaging strike if the target is within the melee range of another Bystander, and always fails otherwise.

Easily Cowed: Any model within 3" of a Bystander gains the action "(1) Intimidate: Make a Wp->10 duel to push one Bystander 3"."


(1) Cheer (CC: 8/Rst: -/Range: 6) Target Governor heals 2 Wd.


Guild, Insignificant

30mm base

Soulstone Cost -- (Scenario)

Wk/Cg: 4/-

Ht: 2

Df: 6 :rams

Wp: 8

Ca: 5

Wd: 8

Weapons: None


Inspiring Purpose: This model activates during the Resolve Effects Phase. If this model is not within 1" of the Podium, it takes a Wk action directly toward the Podium, moving around terrain and other figures as needed. If this model is within 1" of the Podium, it takes a (1) Speechify Action for every possible action. This model always uses its Df/Wp trigger if able. This model never makes disengaging strikes.

Neutral: This model does not belong to a Crew.

Governor of Malifaux: This model is immune to Morale Duels and cannot be Buried.

Armor +2

Bulletproof 3

Bold Charisma: This model gains Hard to Wound 3 and an additional Armor +3 during Turn One and Turn Two.

Hard to Kill

Immune to Influence


(1) Speechify: This model makes a speech. All Bystanders that are more than 8" away from this model within LoS immediately push 1" directly toward this model.


Df/Wp (:rams) Bodyguards: After this model fails to defend against any effect or spell, any model within 4" may redirect the effect and become the target instead. If more than one model wishes to do so, choose the closest model. After the effect has resolved, switch this model with the new target.

Edited by Hateful Darkblack
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