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cheap camera?


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I've got my old SLR that I learned on. It sucks batteries like nobody's business, but is fine if you're just using it to take pics. It has a decent macro, and fine res if you're not looking to take hi-def pics-- I'll sell it for little if, if you're interested.PM me if you are.

Otherwise, the market does have a lot of options, these days. Other than macro, you should be fine with most models that aren't cheap. For lighting, just about any bulb will do, just get some lights you can position without a ton of work. Backdrop only needs to be some white paper.

After getting a camera, the next thing I'd recommend is a tripod: this can be a small one, but make sure it has some weight or can be weighted. A tripod with no weight is useless-to-bad, as you don't want your tripod tipping over and breaking your camera.

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I use a Canon PowerShot SX120 IS, which I got for under $200. It isn't perfect, but I've gradually learned to take pretty crisp shots, but a tripod is essential for minis work. IMHO, a good lighting setup is just as important. I found a light box for $50 online, which, along with a quartet of lamps, has worked wonders.

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