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What does it mean?


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The black circle is an aura. The white circle is a pulse. They are explained in detail on page 20 of the rules manual but if it is aura 2 then it is a two inch aura meaning any model within two inches of the originator receive the buff/debuff, The aura moves with the originator.

Pulse is like an instant effect, immediately and simultaneously affecting all models, except the originato, within the distance.

Page 20 explains it better than me.

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It means he's racist and only allows his crew to benefit from certain abilities based on their skin colour. Which is pretty stupid of him, since they're all greenish.

In all seriousness though, the black circle/white man indicates an aura. This effect stays in play around the caster until the closing phase.

The black man between parentheses indicates a pulse. This is a one-off effect-giver: every legal target in range of the ability is affected when it is cast, but moving the caster will not make cause new models to get the effect or previously affected models to lose it.

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