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Boshea's Crew, AKA-"I hate painting eyes"


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Put some wash to Miss. T

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Due to the hair color her eye looks completely messed up unless I take really close pictures. Probably should have thinned the wash for her flesh a little more, but its still very pale which is what I wanted.

Also got my Bishop painted up.

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Wasn't until I got paint on him that I noticed that his left eye was miscasted. Fairly hard to notice with the way he is posed, and if it bothers me enough I'll likely just green stuff some hair to cover it up. Got motivated to paint him so that he could be used to represent a player in one of my DnD groups. He wanted to play an unnarmed fighter, and Bishop is the baddest pit-fighter there is. Also after painting his hair he kind of looks like a ripped Skwisgaar Skwigelf.

Now to stop being lazy and paint Lady J's crew and my handler.

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I thought it was miscast as well until I realised after painting that looked like another bit of hair to me. I'll see if I can get a photo of it


Here we go...


It doesn't fit in perfectly I don't think but it looks better than any green stuff work I'm capable off.

Edited by bobzilla
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  • 2 weeks later...

Hard finding images of Bishop from the right angle to tell. Its really debatable though, and the posing gives you leeway on how to do it. Speaking of hard to paint eyes do to posing, random Warmachine painting.

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Continuing my procrastination of painting my Death Marshall box set by dipping into my warmachine. Painting it up in point intervals so getting my 15pt stuff done first. Spriggan is next, followed by Black Ivan assuming his legs get replaced. Yay mispacks. He definitely needs a few touch-ups and I need to figure out a good way to shade the white since it looks rather featureless. I've really been enjoying the results I've been getting out of Snow-Tex for base work. Just took one of my co-workers telling me to use a palleteknife instead of a brush to apply it to get it working well. Debating if I should get fancier with it for my warjacks like some Space Wolves stuff I've seen. As for the color scheme I really liked the image of Sorscha and Beast in the Khador book with her in the white and black. Then I learned of the "The Unbreakable" 111th Infantry Battalion variant scheme, and because I hate myself decided that both my CSM (Pre-heresy scheme World Eaters) and Khador should be done in predominantly white paint schemes. Primed him with Grey gesso since White gesso is near impossible to use unless tinted. I need to look into a different white paint though since the GW white's aren't working for me. Going to see if my FLGS can get P3 Menoth White in since I've heard good things about it. Other available options nearby is a small shop that carries Vallejo product, or check and see if Michaels carries anything decent in an acrylic white. The Golden Fluid Acrylics look to be the only options I noticed though.

Anyway, next set of images will be the Death Marshal box. Save for the guy jumping over the coffin because he got replaced my Miss T, though he'll likely get painted up eventually. Need to get on them since I need to get back to organizing demos, and painted models make that a far more enjoyable experience. Models perform better when painted, its a scientific fact.

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  • 4 weeks later...

So got my first Death Marshall done up today. Hard part was figuring out what to do to give him a red accent. Decided to paint the wrist bandages red.

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I may go back and leather up that skin a little. He looks a little too not-horrifically-disfigured-from-necromancy to be a Death Marshall. Wanted to do his coffin in a mix for green and blue, but can't find my green wash. Went with blue and purple instead.

As for my pursuit of getting White paint figured out, gave the Vallego white a try. Really liking the stuff, just need to remember that it takes longer to dry than GW.

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Sharing these more because I got the eyes to turn out really well :P. Still working out how to shade white, but I'm going to use a basic guardsmen for that. The Spriggan that I've put off to get the Death Marshalls done is the real test for white since I find bright colors are miserable to do over large flat surfaces. Results have been great so far.

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Finished off the last of my Death Marshalls. Did a little more work on the bases since they felt bare with just dirt. They a little shiny from the seal, but that should go away once weather permits spraying Dullcote. Do to Lady J's attire being more detailed I can see now in the pictures where I need to touch a few places up from the heavy washing.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Some WIP stuff. Alt-seamus is pretty much done, except I need to figure out what I'm doing for a base on him. Loving how he turned out overall, and really liking Kislev flesh as my new fleshtone. After doing closer comparison with the store Alt-Seamus I realize my Seamus's gun blade was miscasted. Going to look through my bits and see what I have that may work, or just cut something out of plasticard. Also dotted his eyes green, because Gorgon.

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Got alt-stabby-Vik painted as well. Mostly so I could put her arms on before I lost them again. Painting my Viks up in a combination of the studio colours and the puppet joker colours. Going to do Gun-Vik's coat in the same way that I did my Marshals. She still needs a wash, but I want to give her a once over on fresh eyes since I know some of the paint got messed up when attaching her arms. Also need to see if I have any wood bases left, or if I need to get a new batch made. I like the change of giving her pants, but I also realized that she still is fighting bra-less with a completely open shirt. That or I just can't see the details.

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Had Avatar Seamus painted up, but stripped him over noticing a lot of problems. One is that I need to replace some of my washes due to their age since they are just not working correctly. Mainly my black, but also going to replace my brown and flesh ones. I also noticed some very bad pooling in the stuff I painted white. This was mostly caused by haste in my painting since the vallejo paint takes longer to dry than I'm used to. His pocket watch also broke while stripping him, but I may have gotten that fixed. Going to add a little milliput to it to reinforce it, but if it breaks while painting I'll just lay it on his foot or the base instead of having it swinging from his pocket. Also can't tell if he has eyes, or if his face is just so ripped you can't see them.

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  • 2 months later...

Something different before I go figure out what models I've painted but haven't posted yet.


Shot of one of the bases I've made for my Dark Debts crew. Working in getting a few molds done for inserts and I've been having mixed results. I dig my cobblestone stuff but they're a little too deep. Now that I've remembered that the terraclip tokens are design to slot into bases I'll need to try making a new mold using the tokens to figure out depth and size better. Tried making a negative of my wood floor bases, but the detail is too fine to copy over well.

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