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Pretty much all Credit goes to my broski.

Cortex the Mad

Soul Stone Cost 7

30 MM Base


Wk/Cg: 4/-

Ht: 2

Wp: 7

Ca: 6:crows

Df: 3

Wd: 6

Ray Gun

Rg::ranged 10

Cb: 5:masks

Dg: 1/2/4



Hard to Wound 1

Crystals of the madman: this model may target Crystal Markers with (1)Growth Ray and (1)Shrink Ray. If this model targets a Crystal Marker with (1)Growth Ray, increase the Crystal Marker's base size to 50 MM and increase its Terrifying range to +1 per Melee Range granted. If this model targets a Crystal Marker with (1)Shrink Ray, decrease its Base size to 30 MM but increase the amount Cortex Heals to 2 Wd. Crystal Markers cannot gain Easy to Wound. When this model targets a Crystal Marker with a Spell, it gains +4 Ca.

Gunfighter [Ray Gun]


(+1) Ranged Expert

(0)Upgradificate: If this model is not the first model to activate this turn, this action must be taken before it takes any other actions. Flip a card, this model's weapon gains the effect corresponding with the card flipped, this flip cannot be cheated and its effect cannot be ignored.

  • :rams Explodifericateratron Ammunition: Increase this weapon's Dg by +2. This weapon generates :blast:blast. Models hit by a :blast heal 2 Wd instead of suffering any Dg.
  • :crows The Necroperforator: Models damaged by this weapon gain Easy to Wound 1 and Armor 2.
  • :masks Cryogenilator Ray: Models damaged by this Weapon receive a cumulative -1/-1 Wk/Cg and Armor +1 at the start of each turn. If target model is reduced to 0 Wk, it gains Object 6. This effect lasts for two turns, and subsequent Strikes are cumulative.
  • :tomes Hocus Pocus Focus Crystal: This weapon gains Magical and ignores Armor. Models damaged by this weapon gain Spirit and Terrifying->10.
  • Black Joker, Intradimensional Ray: Your opponent may place all models in play up to 12" away from their current location.
  • Red Joker, Extradimensional Ray: You may place all models in play up to 12" away from their current location.


Ca(:crows:masks) Mega-fluxulating Overdrive Pulsar[Growth Ray]: Target model receives an additional +1 to their Ht, Melee Range, and Melee Damage. Target model also receives Easy to Wound 3.

Ca(:crows:tomes)Itsy-Bitsy SPIDERS!!! Ray [shrink Ray]: Target model must win a Wp->13 morale duel. If Target model fails the duel, it gains +4/- Wk/Cg until the end of the turn after it rallies.

Ca(:crows:crows) Faulty Combobulator [Absolutely Normal Crystal]: After successfully casting this spell, cast this spell again at a cumulative -2 Ca.


(1)Absolutely Normal Crystal

(CC: 12:crows/ Rst: -/ Rg: 10)

Place 1 40mm Crystal Marker. Crystal Markers are Ht 2 impassable terrain with Hardness 2. Crystal Markers may not be placed within 8" of another Crystal Marker. Whenever an enemy model passes within 1" of a Crystal Marker, that model suffers 1 Wd and Cortex heals 1 Wd. This spell may only be cast once per crew, per turn.

(1)Growth Ray

(CC: 14:crows/ Rst: Df / Rg: 10)

Target model increases its Ht, Melee Range and Melee Damage by +1 and receives Terrifying->10 or Terrifying +1 if it already has the the Terrifying ability. Target model gains Easy to Wound 1 and loses Armor and Insignificant if it is affected by either.

(1)Shrink Ray

(CC:14:crows / Rst: Df / Rg: 10)

Target model decreases its Ht, Melee Range and Melee Damage by 1, to a minimum of 1 and receives Insignificant, Tiny and -1/-3 Wk/Cg.

Edited by Sandwich

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