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Indeed it seems to be a spam bot spamming a thread started by spam bot. I wonder if there are abandon forums where all there is is spam bots talking to each other.

As for comics I'm reading Lucifer at the moment.. I like the Shikome in it, it's a little different to the one we are used to... winged geisha beasts are cool.. but huge six armed demonic scorpion geisha are also cool. The real question is who would win in a fight.. my bet goes on the demonic scorpion geisha as it manages to take out quite a few dozen angels.


Note it also gives backrubs.

Edited by Ratty
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And everyone knows there no such thing as a "Huge" fan of Green Lantern. At least, not outside of a state run institution.

I'm a huge fan of green lantern and I'm only slightly mad! Also a big bat-fan but not so much in the last year or so, not loving the whole batman incorporated thing. I read pretty much everything DC and quite a few indie things (pretty much stopped reading marvel at this point, not liked anything I've read since the run up to siege). I can highly recommend y the last man and walking dead. Aspen have just rebooted fathom and that's worth a look too.

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