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Viks without their box

Da Big Baws

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I was reading over the Viks in my Book 1 copy and saw what co,e in their Boxed set. While they all are good models, I didn't see synergy nor cohesion in it.

If you where to do an alternative 25SS crew to play with other Boxed sets, and do it from the ground up for them, what would you put in?

I was thinking as a base, a Ronin blister and the Viks but that does not fill up 25SS.

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This is just theory, as my Viks are in the mail, but my thoughts were that one has to bring Ronin. The Viks can do the melee, so Taelor is overkill, although I do like her. Instead I am thinking either Hans or Johan for ranged support. Hans if your scheme will let him set up in a nice sniper post (Hold Out for example), Johan if the scheme involves movement. The Freikorps Trapper might be a better choice than Hans though.

Outcasts Crew - 30 - Scrap

Viktorias -- 7 Cache

Hans [8ss] (Alternate: Johan 6ss + 1 Ronin for 4 SS Cache)

Ronin [5ss]

Ronin [5ss]

Ronin [5ss]

Outcasts Crew - 30 - Scrap

Viktorias -- 4 Cache

Convict Gunslinger [5ss]

Freikorps Trapper [6ss]

Ronin [5ss]

Ronin [5ss]

Ronin [5ss]

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Ronin and a Convict Gunslinger are supper important.

At 25ss run:


Ronin x3

Convict Gunslinger

and a 5ss pool

The only minion from their box I use regularly is Taelor. She is a tank! I typically use her to anchor a line while my Roinin flank. The Victoria's are fast, but fragile. Use Taelor to soak damage and draw attention away from the Vickies.

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The Friekorps have their own box, so the trapper is out, use Johan, a desperate merc, or a student of conflict instead.
Yes, you're right. It's under the Freikorps Mercenary ability.

So let's correct that list to:

Outcasts Crew - 30 - Scrap

Viktorias -- 4 Cache

Convict Gunslinger [5ss]

Johan [6ss]

Ronin [5ss]

Ronin [5ss]

Ronin [5ss]

Provides mobile ranged support for the Viks and the girls.

Alternate Sniper list:

Outcasts Crew - 30 - Scrap

Viktorias -- 4 Cache

Student of Conflict [3ss]

Hans [8ss]

Ronin [5ss]

Ronin [5ss]

Ronin [5ss]

The SoC gets Hans into position quickly, then lets him fire once more thereafter. Or on turn one, the SoC boosts a Vik instead and then joins Hans for the rest of the game.

Again, it's all theory on my part, but that did determine what figures I ordered. The Trapper won't go to waste since a Freikorps box is part of the order, and I like forward deployment options in any minis game I've played.

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wait. you can take the trapper... 'cause building Outcasts you're not hiring them in as Mercs...

and a Librarian is also kinda crispy since if she heals one vic, they can both benefit from it...

Following on from that, you may want to consider getting The Viks + The Freikorp box - they go together incredibly well and The Viks with Von Schill is a scary prospect for any opponent.

Having said that, when I started I didn't want to get The Viks box, so I went for Viks + Ronin + Convict Gunslinger..... and then over the next few weeks bought the remaining contents of the box anyway ! Johann an Taelor are both great and I regularly use Bishop..... as a Desperate Merc :)

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wait. you can take the trapper... 'cause building Outcasts you're not hiring them in as Mercs...

and a Librarian is also kinda crispy since if she heals one vic, they can both benefit from it...

Well yes, but this thread is supposed to be about rebuilding the core Viks box. Since the Friekorps already has a box, it makes adding one of them to the Viks box kinda silly.

That said, I highly recommend taking most of the Friekorps with the Viks. Librarian provides healing. Von Schill provides long-ranged murder. Specialist provides blast templates on the cheap. Trapper provides extra mobility and long-ranged firepower. The Friekorpsmen are just really good goons.

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Easy. If I had a choice on what should be put in a redone Viks Box it would be Viks, Ronin x3, and Taelor.

At 20ss: Viks, Taelor, Ronin, 7ss or Viks, 3x Ronin, 5ss (I prefer the first for more stones).

At 25ss: Viks, Taelor, 2x Ronin, 7ss

At 30ss: Viks, Taelor, 3x Ronin, 7ss

Add a Convict Gunslinger for an easy way to get to 35ss.

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Well, I think this thread is about playing the Victoria's outside of their box set.

With that said, I think playing them with the Friekorp box is a great idea. Pick up the Friekorp box and the two Victoria's. Right there you've got yourself some solid options.

Now that's a different animal altogether. I run the Viks alongside the Freikorps , in hindsight I should have just gotten them separately and then bought the Friekorps box, maybe pick up Taelor and Johan. Would have saved me a lot of dosh.


35 points


6 Cache

9 Von Schill

7 Friekorps librarian

and I fill out the rest of my points with what I think is best for the scenario.

Edited by BlueStar86
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At 25ss I would take

either 2 x Ronin, Taelor & 7SS

or 3 x Ronin, Desperate Merc & 8SS.

For higher points, I just posted this list in another thread...


The following, models add up to 40ss. At 35ss I would look to drop 10-13ss worth, according to Strategies and Schemes, giving you a cache of 5-8ss. They are also all girls, for a nice themed crew.

2 x Viks


3 x Ronin

Desperate Merc

Convict Gunslinger


Student of Conflict

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