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Really guys?


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You are an idiot.

totally uncalled for.

this is the attitude i get every time I question definitions of terms on these forums.

I get six people telling me I'm "over thinking the definition"

four telling me "the answer is obvious if you focus on the intention of the rules"

and a dozen people joking about how "math/logic doesn't apply to Malifaux."

there are days it feels like there should be a sticky on the forums of "Posters who try to use Logic/Math methods to define rules" and "Posters who pull answers outta their 'Common Sense' " so people know what kind of people they're talking with...

otherwise these just turn into troll baiting posts where someone tries to provoke the others into personal attacks (like above) and the thread degrades quickly. (or gets locked, like that one did while i was writing this)


of the dozen or so game forums I partake in because I enjoy the game, this is the only one where I constantly see rules discussions degrade into personal attacks on the attitude/methods of the posters, rather than keeping it purely in the definitions and confines of the game rules.

Edited by Mr_Smigs
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please, Sketch, so I don't accidentally push the wrong button...

which should not be brought up again:

1. The fact that on this forum, rules discussions turn into personal attacks.


2. the post that actually degraded into a personal attack.


3. the attitude that causes rules posts to turn into personal attacks.

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Guest NotCalmdown

Read the post in which I called the guy an idiot. Why do you think me saying that to him was anything less than called for? His attitude is the one that stinks, not mine.

He basically slates all of us in that thread, telling us we're "using semantics" to "poke holes in the rules" and trying to "break the game".

Honestly, that's the attitude that should be resulting in bans. We're trying to understand rules, and trying to make sure we know how things work. The rules forum is there to ask questions. Why should we have to deal with people clogging up the thread with what essentially amount to attacks on our character? How is that attitude valid?

Please do feel free to explain why you think that is ok.

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Read the post in which I called the guy an idiot.

He basically slates all of us in that thread, telling us we're "using semantics" to "poke holes in the rules" and trying to "break the game".

Honestly, that's the attitude that should be resulting in bans. We're trying to understand rules, and trying to make sure we know how things work. The rules forum is there to ask questions. Why should we have to deal with people clogging up the thread with what essentially amount to attacks on our character? How is that attitude valid?

Please do feel free to explain why you think that is ok.

That's enough.

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