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Spring helled jack rules


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A while ago a posted a thread in the writing room about a character named spring heeled jack which you can find here http://www.wyrd-games.net/forum/showthread.php?t=22481

i have gone on to write rules for that certain character so ere they are

Spring-Heeled Jack

30mm Base

Soulless, Unique , Mercenary Soulstone Cost: 9







Hardened Finger nails






From the Shadows: This model may be deployed after all other models, or behind any terrain more than 12” away from an enemy, or the objective of any strategy or announced scheme. This model may not be targeted by Charges or ranged attacks until it takes an action other than Pass if deployed this way. If multiple models with this Ability are in play, players alternate deploying them using the deployment order for crews.

Spring-Heeled: This model counts as having Flight

Hard to Kill

Hard to Wound 1


Terrifying -> 11


(+1) Nimble

(0) Jump Away: Push this model up to 5”, ignoring all intervening terrain. This action may only be taken if this model is in a enemy models melee range.

(0) Deranged Laughter: Increase this models Terrifying by +2.

(2) Flurry


Cb(:masks:masks) Flay

Cb(:masks:crows) Lacerate: This models damage flip receives + and defender suffers +1 Dg.


(0) Leap

(CC:10:masks /Rst:- /Rg: C) Immediately move up to Cg, ignoring intervening terrain.

Edited by the_madhatter1
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An 8 inch leap which requires a 2 to cast, plus a free 6 inch walk, plus hard to kill, hard to wound, starts on the enemies side, paired combat 6 flurry on an attack that will do minimum 3 damage on half the cards in the game? And is harder to hit than a terror tot? Isnt effected by terrifying, doesn't leave corpse counters, and can push out of melee easily if it needs to.

I would gladly pay the extra soul stone to use this guy in a non-outcast army.

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An 8 inch leap which requires a 2 to cast, plus a free 6 inch walk, plus hard to kill, hard to wound, starts on the enemies side, paired combat 6 flurry on an attack that will do minimum 3 damage on half the cards in the game? And is harder to hit than a terror tot? Isnt effected by terrifying, doesn't leave corpse counters, and can push out of melee easily if it needs to.

I would gladly pay the extra soul stone to use this guy in a non-outcast army.

actually leap requires a 4 and it needs to be av mask

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Big Brother Necropunk. Solid really fast, decently tough beat stick. Id take him.

Balence wise the only thing id be worried about is his deployment ability. This guy likely gets the alpha strike first turn. First turn, activate Jack, leap, walk, flurry, kill important model. 8 inch leap, 6 inch walk both ignoring terrian, 2 inch melee range. Use the zero to boost terrifying.

He's likely a suicide missile unless you actually dont kill the model you attack. Then you can use his other zero action to jump away from the failed attack and hopefully hop behind a wall.

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