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Live for the Trade, Die for the Trade V: The Watcher Flocks


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(Next installment for Get To Know My Guild Crews. Pleae, feel free to read up and drop a comment. If you like it, check out the others. This means i've completed Watcher, Three Guild Guards and an Austringer all set in my rather ghoulish hellscape vision of Malifaux. Enjoy)

Storm wracked skies split as thunder breaks through the heavens and bleed strange lightening across the unnatural darkness. Rain falls hard and each icy droplet penetrates the skin of those on the water slicked streets below. Everything with nerves enough to feel flees for the cover of umbrella, awning or shelter.

Hardware System functionality… optimal.

Cogitator… optimal.

Soulstone reserves… 88%

Thoughts in the rain, cold thoughts concerned only with task and function. Thoughts programmed into a metal mind and fueled with the life light found inside the Soul Stones circulate despite the downpour. These thoughts have no flesh to feel with and no instinct telling them to seek the safety of a warm building or the cover provided by an overhang. These thoughts watch from the highest point in the city, The Pinnacle. They watch skin and bone below with a passionless eye and feel nothing for the scattering masses.

Lightening unfolds overhead in a spider’s web of energy. It reflects off the Pinnacle’s spire and off the body that hosts these apathetic thoughts. Thick encarmine wings of reinforced canvas and steel connect to a brass body with crooked legs and spindly proportions. The maker’s aesthetic was avian but not artistically so but in function. This thing is made to be light weight, to be utilitarian and relentless. Beauty is never a consideration for the Guild’s Construct Quarry.

From its thin neck a conical head hangs motionless while its blood red wings are folded to its side. It sits; bat like on its wings and tiny legs, looking down on the street leading into Ram’s Rule. Only a coach travels it now. Nothing else braves the rain and for good reason.

With the rain comes the rats.

Its single red eye lens focuses through the rain, switching through filter after filter till the best view is found. Through the windows of the coach it can see the occupants.

Cogitator accessing Heliographic records… identities found.

Isabella Flood

Andrew Teale

Porter Craven

All expected.

But those thoughts are not entirely without emotion. The machine is powered by soul energy and that has a way of seeping into the logic engines of a construct and tainting them. The Watcher is disappointed. It wanted to signal the Pinnacle’s cannons see the coach cratered into the streets or to send a message to the Guild Guard and watch an execution. The fuel that flows through its circuits and hoses has been processed and refined by the Guild’s best but no matter purified the stone is they just can’t manage to pull all the hate from it. Sometimes that becomes a problem.

Resume Patrol

It cranes its head to the left and then to the right. More Watchers on both sides. They cling to architecture and grip ledges of the Pinnacle. There are dozens of them cluttered up here. Countless red eyes staring into the storm. A murder of tiny intrusive hates that will exist as long as they have fuel and function.

There is no escaping the eyes of the Guild.

The command is passed on to every one of the mechanical creatures. They spread their wings and ignite their propulsion packs. Each one echoes the sentiment hammered into their cogitators by the craftsmen of the Quarry as they descend upon Malifaux.

Live for the Trade, Die for the Trade


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  • 3 weeks later...
A murder of tiny intrusive hates that will exist as long as they have fuel and function. Very cool. Nice turn of phrase. :)

Where would I find your intro to the Pinnacle?

Thanks, and as for the first time i mention Pinnacle its here.


Though the stories are numbered i believe. They go in the following order if it helps:

Isabella Flood (Guild Guard)

Porter Craven and Andrew Teal (Guild Guards)

Cyril Ukridge (Austringer)

Hugo Black (Convict Gunslinger)

Watcher Flocks (Watcher Construct)

Lucius and Galen (Lucius and Governor's Proxy)

Bennet Creedy and Jasper Bilsen (Guard Captain and Drill Sgt)

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