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Carrion Effigy - Diminished resistance



Enemy Models cannot ignore effects and lose all immunities

ok... "killed" is an effect,

does this mean a "slow to die" model that heals, is still killed?

does this override Maintain Machines?

does this override Perfect Machine?

does this mean models cannot use Counterspell?

what is the meaning of "effect" in this statement?

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ok... "killed" is an effect,

does this mean a "slow to die" model that heals, is still killed

You are joking right. Healing doesn't make you immune to dieing it means your not dying any more

does this override Maintain Machines?

This let's them ignore there own abilities not immune to them

does this override Perfect Machine?

ignore again

does this mean models cannot use Counterspell?

It cancels the spell

what is the meaning of "effect" in this statement?

I'll answer this as best as I can

Abilities like Frozen heart, immune to influence and breach psychosis are lost

Edited by Sliver Chocobo
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It's taken me a while to unjumble your original post. It has a lot of inaccuracies that make it hard to understand.

Firstly ignore is a game term, if a model has an ability that says ignore x effect it doesn't work while in the Carrion's Aura.

immunity is another game term if it says your model is immune to x that also doesn't work in the Carrion's Aura.

Removing an effect is not the same as ignoring it. Ignore means the effect is still on the model but you don't action it. Removed means the effect is removed from the model.

ok... "killed" is an effect,

does this mean a "slow to die" model that heals, is still killed?

Being Killed is not an effect. Certain effects like Headshot might cause you to be Killed. In these cases if the Headshot is removed before the Slow to Die Action is ended you are not killed, as the Headshot is never actioned.

does this override Maintain Machines?

Maintain Machines does not ignore effects it ignores Talents. so no.

does this override Perfect Machine?

Says it ignores effects, the Carrion's Aura says you can't ignore effects. This is clear. Perfect Machine does not work.

does this mean models cannot use Counterspell?
Counterspell cancels the spell before it's cast. This is not ignoring the effect it's totally stopping the Action going ahead.

what is the meaning of "effect" in this statement?
It's refering to to a change of state put on the model by an ability.

EG. if you had a spell that lowered the Df of a construct by 3. If you cast this on C. Hoffman he could choose to ignore it as he has Perfect Machine and it targets constructs. If the Carrion Effigy was in range and had his aura up Hoffman could not ignore it with Perfect Machine as it's an effect.

Edited by Ratty
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how does this interact with Angelica's Do you Want to See More? and friendly models?

It doesn't interact at all with that ability. Why wuold it it's an aura and doesn't say anything about ignoring effects or immunities.

If a model had an ability like Immune to Influence that would make it immune to "Do You Want to See More?" then that immunity could be stripped by the Carrion Effigy's Aura.

how does this interact with Triggers. are players FORCED to use triggers when the suit arises?

Why would they be.. your not ignoring a Trigger. A Trigger is not an effect. When you get to that stage in the duel you may choose a trigger to use.

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Ok.... so from this,

for future reference:

Killed is not an effect (although I was told the opposite in a previous question about effects)

Triggers are Not An Effect (again, opposite what the effect definition of what i was told before)

Ignore and immune are words that must specifically be used for them to be counted.

Talents are not effects (again, opposite what I've been told before)


Edited by Mr_Smigs
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The important bit.. which is in bold.

effects are temporal and change the model from what is written on their card.
A talent written on a card is not a change from the card.

A talent given to a model is a effect and a talent.

A trigger can cause an effect but is not an effect in of itself (unless it has been put on the card by some external force, EG. Blessing of Desolation give a model the Desolate Warping Trigger. Even then you would not be ignoring it, you would be choosing not to use it.

Killed is not temperal. Your Dead fullstop it doesn't run out. An effect that kills your model is temperal as it Kills your model and then has run it's course and is removed.

Ignore and Immune are specific keywords.

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The important thing is an effect could be a Trigger, a bonus, a Talent. But not all Talents, Triggers and bonuses are effects. Effects are placed on the card after the start of play. Anything that is on the card at the start is not an effect.

Edited by Ratty
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