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Mixed Bag - Vics with more Healing


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looking at the vikis, i realized they have that nifty power to apply a spell that affects one to both...

so why not utilize that with something like healing spells...

which lead to the idea...

Outcasts Crew - 35 - Scrap

0 Pool

Von Schill

  • Freikorpmann

  • Freikorps Librarian

  • Freikorps Specialist

  • Ronin

  • Ronin

tho... haven't played either yet, so I'm wondering if anyone's tried this...

and I debate dropping a Ronin or Freikorpman for some stones to burn... (Tho I could always cull souls in the middle of the match...)

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That's pretty close to my primary Vik list as a matter of fact.

However, if you're wanting to make it a tad stronger, I'd suggest dropping the Freikorpsman and probably specialist. To enhance the delivery mechanism, I'd put the Student of Conflict in there and, personally, I like the 6 left over stones with Viks for both better survival, VonS will use them, too, and you often need them for Whirlwinds (If I have a low mask I can hope a decent SS flip will push it over the top).

So, that's my list:




Von Schill


2x Ronin

6 SS cache

As alternatives, I mess around with dropping the two Ronin and putting Taelor, Bishop, Convict, etc. You've got to figure out how you like to run them and what feels best for you. The Viktoria list is so strong because of the really versatile lists they're capable of these days.

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My current Viks list for 35ss is


Ronin x2

Convict Gunslinger



which gives you 7ss to burn through, the viks with 7ss is a nasty combo.

I have now got a student of convict to add to try, but that would drop me down to 4ss.

I find the trapper gives me reach and can start putting wounds on models form the start of the game, also giving the viks the ability to move through rough terrian is a nasty surprise.

The Libarian helps the viks survive, also being able to remove suit of model can really put a dent is some plans.

Convict Gunslinger is there to put the hurt on people, I have put Lady J down to 1 wound from one activation. Also the ability to drain the oppenents hand is good.

The Ronin can really multi use, they can shoot, but can also cut thing up in combat. Also to hold a position you have Defensive stance, then defesive, then use melee expert to hit anything close. Try this then leave the ronin to be charged, then wipe what ever charges them out with teh convict gunslinger shooting in to combat.

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