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so some questions from my first game vs c hoffman


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Hello gang,

i tried searching for answers but found no luck. So sorry if these are repetitive. So i played lilith vs hoffman with a friend tonight. The first question was 1. Is it currently correct that a peacekeeper can attack 9 times in one turn through a) hoffman activates linked in: peacekeeper activates flurry by discarding a card. Then hoffman casts override edict on peacekeeper then assilimilates reactivate. Peacekeeper reactivates and flurrries for 3 more attacks. Lastly hoffman activates tap power(on guardian and machine puppets for 3 more attacks with peacekeeper. If so, it was worse since he got iniative and did it again. Ouchie.

2. If the peacekeeper missed with any attacks, do each of the corresponding attacks (incl. those from machine puppet) suffer the effects from lilith's disappear (-2cb).

3. If hoffman used machine puppet to kill the target of "frame for murder". Does the opponent get the victory points?

4. Dooes each of the attacks with machine spirit incl. All the triggers and abilities? Such as "paired" or critical effect?

Did i miss something in the series presented above?

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Hello gang,

The first question was 1. Is it currently correct that a peacekeeper can attack 9 times in one turn through a) hoffman activates linked in: peacekeeper activates flurry by discarding a card. Then hoffman casts override edict on peacekeeper then assilimilates reactivate. Peacekeeper reactivates and flurrries for 3 more attacks. Lastly hoffman activates tap power(on guardian and machine puppets for 3 more attacks with peacekeeper. If so, it was worse since he got iniative and did it again. Ouchie.

Linked in doesn't break Hoffman's activation to let the PeaceKeeper activate, so to maximise the attacks the PeaceKeeper could make, the PeaceKeeper would have to go first. Assuming the PeaceKeeper started in melee range of its target you could:

-Activate PeaceKeeper - Flurry (3 attacks)

(Lilith player's activation)

-Activate Hoffman - Overide edict on PeaceKeeper, Assimulate Reactivate, Tap power on some other construct, Machine Puppet PeaceKeeper (4th attack)

-Reactivate PeaceKeeper - Flurry (7th attack)

(Lilith player's activation)

-Reactivate Hoffman - Tap Power on already slow construct, Machine Puppet PeaceKeeper 3 times (10th attack).

2. If the peacekeeper missed with any attacks, do each of the corresponding attacks (incl. those from machine puppet) suffer the effects from lilith's disappear (-2cb).

Any attack made in the PeaceKeeper's activation after the miss will incur -2cb that turn because they would all be melee attacks. I'm not actually sure if it effects the Machine puppet strikes as they use Cb6:rams instead of their normal Cb...

3. If hoffman used machine puppet to kill the target of "frame for murder". Does the opponent get the victory points?

No. The construct makes the strike that kills the model, not Hoffman.

4. Dooes each of the attacks with machine spirit incl. All the triggers and abilities? Such as "paired" or critical effect?

Yes. They still have the normal triggers and they also gain Critical strike.

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