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Help! Aspiring Malifaux gamer suffer from deep East Texas seclusion!


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Well if anyone made it past the absurdly long title welcome to my thread! Here's the rub gents: I want to get in actual games of Malifaux. Not just read breports and watch videos, get some actual games in. The problem here is that it's a 2 and a half hour drive in any direction to get a game in and with my work schedule that just isn't possible with any sort of frequency.

So here's my idea. Would any of you, the community, be willing to grind through some games on the warmahordes vassal module with me? I can be honest with the fate deck if you can. I know there would be some difficulties involved but man would it help me out learning. I've been ghosting the forums for the better part of a year and I'm ready for the plunge. I apologize in advance if I'm creating a redundant thread but I'm desperate lol. I hope that anyone else facing the seclusion problem will utilize this thread as well. I appreciate your consideration Mali-peeps.

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