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A battle against the crews...and odds


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Well as i have now put the finishing touches onto my board, im going to try and get back to some brush work.

Alack of printer ink is going to make sure i dont go back to the scenery for a while and force my hand.

At current i have assembled a viks box + Misaki. Marcus box + hoarcat pride. Pandora box + doppleganger. I also have a Mortimer to paint up for gamesmistress's ressers. I also have unassembled the ophelia, somer and soniia boxed sets.

All awaitng paint. Gamesmistress may well take on the pandora box so thats one less to do.

Im going to use this blog/thread whatever you want to call it. To try and keep my motivation up and keep the world upto date with where i/we are at.

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Seeing as i am working with ghostwalker on the remaining crews (currently Pandora) i thought i would post up some WiP pics in this thread to keep them all together.

This is the first time i have painted a minature for any wargame so i hope it's not too bad. I need to find some bases to finish them off but overall i am fairly happy with the results.


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Seeing as i am working with ghostwalker on the remaining crews (currently Pandora) i thought i would post up some WiP pics in this thread to keep them all together.

This is the first time i have painted a minature for any wargame so i hope it's not too bad. I need to find some bases to finish them off but overall i am fairly happy with the results.


Very nice and very neat. Way above the average for painting the first time. Great work!

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Yeah, in the pic neither model is glues down to it's base, so they are sitting a little proud of them. Its worse on Misaki as her pose doenst make it too wasy to sort out either. But once glue down i will look at her again and if need be greenstuff a pebble or something underneath her lol.

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