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[W] Dystopian Wars, Ascension Promos, malifaux [H] Malifaux promos, skaven [USA]


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Dystopian Wars Covenant of Antarctica stuff

Ascension Gamesday Promos (Vedah, Sage of swords, Deep Drone, and Journeyman sage, 2 of each)

Ascension Sleeves

Firestorm Armada Sector Defence Station (Limited Edition Figure, see here http://www.spartangames.co.uk/specialoffers.html )

Possibly some Relthoza stuff for Firestorm Armada

Malifaux Wants:

Hoffman Box Set

Mechanical Assistant

Lucius Box Set

Guild Hounds

Drill Sargeant


Stuffed Piglets

Slop Haulers

Hamelin Boxed Set

Rat Catchers

Obedient Wretch

Male and Female Desperate Mercs

Young Lacroix

Would also be interested in precut or pluck foam from Battlefoam, or some Gatormen for Hordes.


Skaven, About 3 isles of blood, a plague furnace, and some plague monks

One High Elves Isle of Blood set

A bunch of Magic the Gathering Standard stuff

1 Limited Edition Malifaux Miss Pack Model and Card

2 Limited Edition Malifaux Miss Demeanors w/ cards

1 Nightmare Edition malifaux Teddy unopened

Send me a message if you have any of the things that I am looking for.

p.s. Yes this is copied from my dakka thread, if you feel uncomfortable, you can PM me on dakka to confirm I am the same carbon

Edited by carbon
Added Hordes Wants
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