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Dead Justice


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i like turtles?

and now back to the dead justice box set... I fully intend to run my dead justice as both guild and ressurs. I am thinking nicodem just because of MZ's yes i am a fanatic of zombies. Though everything in the crew will be 100% malifaux the MZ's will be a collection of various games.

I know around my area that proxy/substitutes are allowed during tournaments so I don't have to worry much about that.

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i like turtles?

and now back to the dead justice box set...

Despite being 'fluff' obsessed and only allowing female minions (albeit, several converted ones) in my Seamus crew, I did indeed purchase said dead justice box set but only in order to wind up a mate who has the Lady J crew...

'Now you're as dead as I am!!';)

Not fussed on turtles,but I am quite partial to a cheeky little pussy cat!

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How effective would the following 25 ss list be?


Rotten Belle

Dead Justice as Dead Doxie

Dead Judge as Punk Zombie

Dead Marshal as Crooked Man

Dead Marshal as Drowned

I'm not sure about the cost of a Dead Doxie, but if you have room, you can add another Rotten Belle or the Guild Autopsy Dead Marshal. I would lean toward giving Seamus another Belle.

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I'm thinking more along the lines of using Dead Doxy's as summoned support.

Taking Rotten Belles in the starter crew to use for board control then raising Dead Doxy's when needed to smack me opponent!

Loving the reports on 'The Drowned' abilities, something to send into groups of opposing minions on a suicide run is right up my street! I wonder if I can model some zombie norks on mine...

Granted I've yet to receive book 3 so I'm not 100% on their abilities/rules.

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dead doxy is proactive belle, instead of waiting for enemies to go to her SHE goes after the enemy. Though its a 0 spell instead of a 1 spell to do so, if the spell goes off she can use a melee/ranged strike (did i mention she has a pistol?). If you end up within 4 of an enemy you may use the spell again so it is almost like lure.

she also has something akin to the showgirl "irresistible" talent though only if the enemy is more than 4" away. Another great action she has, in her slow to die she can essentially keep living by giving a belle with more than 1 life take half wounds so she can switch places with them and still live with 1 life.

the drowned are very interesting unit, they have a pulse 4 that does dg2 when they die. Has a few ways to make enemies take defense tests or take wounds/gain slow/ or move the drowned. Cannot be moved/pushed by other models but itself. Though it's weapon damage at a glance seems pretty unimpressive combination of abilities makes you double take and come up with good uses for him.

as a side note i'm wondering, they do HAVE to be used as certain models? or for example can i run all my death marshals as crooked men etc? Since i never mark my cards even if i laminate them. Instead i keep d10 nearby to track wounds. The visual reminder keeps my head in the game.. So i could just bring one card to read abilities etc. Think anyone would have a problem?

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The gaining grounds doc seems a little draconian to me.

I see no issue with using an official Wyrd model as proxy in a Malifaux tournament as long as you explain before the game what it's representing and have a separate card (possibly with a passport sized photo super-imposed over the cards picture;))

A different kettle of fish to use a non-Wyrd model (they need to buy shoes you know!).

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I had great success recently with summoning Dead Doxy in my Seamus crew. She seems to be good on the offensive but I tend to use her as an objective grabber. Using her Inviting Approach spell she can get a nice 15 inches of movement. I'm still fairly new to the game and especially Rezzers but I figured I toss in my 2 cents.

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