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G'day from Sydney


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Hi all,

Let me first say that Malifaux is the first Miniature game that I have ever taken part in, all at the advent of our first local store. (We originally had to take an hour long train trip to get to our closest one)

Admittedly I took it up while my friends insisted on buying other (considerably more expensive) games, leaving me bereft of any starting games at my local Store for a few months but I did get to learn the rules inside and out in the mean time. Suppose that's a plus :S.

I've always been a talented hand at drawing and painting on canvas but getting these minis also revealed my steady hands were good for painting minis better than friends who've been into miniatures for much longer. The inherent aesthetic of Malifaux also made me enjoy the game even more.

I've now gotten my first set (Sonnia Criid's Witchhunters) fully painted and with it; sit fairly comfortably on top of our Store's First Malifaux Tourney list. Starting to make headway into play-testing and painting up Ramos and his crew.

I think that's ample intro :P

Talk to you when I talk to you!


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