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Edonil's Ressurectionists


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So, finally getting up some photos of my Kirai crew for the Tale of Malifaux Painters...Kirai is a work in progress right now, and I still need to finish the metals on the bases for a couple of them, but here's my progress right now.



Still working on camera settings, which is why the background is so different with them, but I was trying to get as close to real life as I could. Think I did pretty well with it. Was very pleased with how the Dead Rider turned out, that's for sure!



Working on Kirai right now, I like the colors I'm using just need to clean them up a little. It's been pretty challenging painting her, very different style of sculpt than I've ever worked with. Need to fix a few details with her face before moving on to other parts. Loving the model though.


My first Seishin. I've been doing a three color scheme with everything right now, and the way I painted my Seishin, I'll be able to rotate through the colors and get them all looking different with the same colors.


The crazy old bat...she and I aren't speaking right now. She didn't want to glue together, didn't want to glue onto her base, and has been a pain in the butt to paint. Especially the OSL...would not advise purple for that to folks.


And my Onryo, first model painted for the crew. Definitely liked how she turned out.

So far, really enjoying this Crew, looking forward to expanding it even more!

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I love the pink sash! I really wish I had thought of that, it looks perfect! White for the color of death, and then a beautiful pink to remind one of the spring cherry blossoms! It's perfect!

I also noticed that the paint job for the studio Kirai is very reminiscent of the Arizona Tea geisha...

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I love the pink sash! I really wish I had thought of that, it looks perfect! White for the color of death, and then a beautiful pink to remind one of the spring cherry blossoms! It's perfect!

I wish I could claim to be that nerdy...but really, I just was painting in the red/purple/grey color scheme I've been using this whole time. We'll pretend that was the reason though ;)

Thanks for all the kind comments! Glad people are liking the color scheme.

@BigKid- I'll do that from now on. Photo taking still isn't something I've ever claimed to be good at, but thanks a lot for the advice, it's much appreciated!

@Ebonstar- Hope you enjoy painting them! In particular, I hope Datsue-Ba and you get along better than she and I have.

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