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Friendlys when casting somethings spell?

Storm's Eye


Obey and Siphon magic both can grant players a chance to cast an opponents models spells, Who counts as friendly when casting something's spell?

Siphon magic reads:

Cast a (1) spell possessed by a linked model. during this casting, this model may use a Soulstone to change its starting total. Spells that reference a model by name cannot be Siphoned.

The intent of the spell leads me to think that the Sorrow casts the spell. "This model" is impiled right before casts, however it could just as easily be "Linked model" casts....

Obey reads:

Target non-Master model immediately makes a

(1) Action or a Charge controlled by you. The Action selected may not cause the model to be killed or sacrificed as part of the Action. This spell may becast once per activation.

This wording makes it much more likely that the target of obey is acctually casting, thus using that models friendly's.

The situation that made me wonder this is I thought for a moment I could link a sorrow to one of Hamelins minions and use a "sacrafice target friendly model to get X effect" spell to force sacraficing of key models my opponent controls. Can I do that with link? Can I do that with Obey?

Edited by Storm's Eye
wording for siphon magic had disappeared!
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Wow, so that means you can force models with spells that say sacrafice friendly models to sac their vaulable stuff (rat catchers) instead of their weak stuff (malifaux rats).

So while I obey your model X it is not friendly to the rest of your Crew.

And I assume the reverse is also true, a players crew would not be friendly to model X for its obeyed action? Almost redundant to ask... but just to being sure so

How about with siphon magic? Anyone know?

Edited by Storm's Eye
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Wow, so that means you can force models with spells that say sacrafice friendly models to sac their vaulable stuff (rat catchers) instead of their weak stuff (malifaux rats).

And I assume the reverse is also true, a players crew would not be friendly to model X for its obeyed action? Almost redundant to ask... but just to being sure so

How about with siphon magic? Anyone know?

No, because (using your example) if it sacrifices a friendly model, you can't use it on the ratcatchers because at the time you have control of it, the ratcatcher isnt friendly :)

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