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Ceaseless Advance against the Dreamer



I looked through the forums and am not seeing an answer to this question, or at least my searchfu is failing me at the moment.

Here is the scenario.

Player 1 has just the Dreamer on the board with LCB buried along with multiple other nightmares. Player 2 is playing with a Flesh Construct. At the end of a turn the Dreamer and the Flesh Construct are in melee range. During the closing phase the Flesh Construct's Ceaseless Advance goes off and he kills the Dreamer. This causes LCB and the rest of the nightmares to be unburied.

The question is, even though it is in the closing phase, does LCB still get to activate because of One Master? What about the other nightmares, since they haven't activated this turn do they now get to go, or are they out of luck since it is in the closing phase?

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It's during the closing phase, so I would say no activation. Not sure on if there's an official ruling somewhere for that or not, but I seem to remember seeing it discussed before.

Also, please be aware that you should reduce your signature size. Wyrd's request is that we keep it to roughly 150 pixels high by 400 long. So, typically enough space for only 1 row of the Master smilies, not 3. ;)

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Well, even though it's during the closing phase there isn't really anything that prohibits you having an activation during the closing phase. There are plenty of other abilities which go off or take effect during that phase, I don't see any reason why the "You get to activate" wouldn't be the same.

Basically, at the moment: The ability says you can, there's no specific rules I know that say you can't, so... Go nuts there, Chompy!

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Well, even though it's during the closing phase there isn't really anything that prohibits you having an activation during the closing phase. There are plenty of other abilities which go off or take effect during that phase, I don't see any reason why the "You get to activate" wouldn't be the same.

Basically, at the moment: The ability says you can, there's no specific rules I know that say you can't, so... Go nuts there, Chompy!

I agree, a model with Slow to Die would definitely get their (1)AP, so I don't see why LCB wouldn't. Nightmares, definitely not.

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