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Insanity bites. Card stock terrain blog


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Well i have bitten the bullet and decided to try some of WWG's card stock terrain. I love the terraclips stuff though i doubt it will be available in the Uk for some time due to pre-orders etc.

So today i took the step, downloaded the Himmerville streets pack, got 100 sheets of 210gsm card, glue, 6 a1 sheets of foamcard and a nice big cutting matt. Oh and a lot of printer ink lol.

I am going for the 'card version' to start with and to see how it looks/feels/holds up. But if its not doing the job i will slice and dice and get it all foamcard mounted.

Will keep you all posted with the journey along the way.

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Well the download, foamcard, card, glue and ink refills have set me back about £60 so not too bad. Got 100 sheets of card and i intend on using card for all walls etc and hopefully keeping the foamcard for just the floor tiles. But hobbycraft have a unadvertised bogof offer on a1 foamcard which was a nice surprise!!!!!

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After being unable to wait for the terraclips stuff, I also went in for some of the himmelvale. Figured it'd be cheaper...

Turns out it isn't. Went through about 10 ink cartridges to print enough tiles for a 4'x4' table, also I needed about 150 sheets of cardstock and 5 large foamcore sheets. It also took a LONG time. I was spending my off moments at work on cutting, and also up past midnight during the week.

In the end I am happy with what I was able to achieve (though I didn't finish the walls or balconies), but also dissapointed. It's been bloody humid in Korea where I am now, and while I was playing with the board I was sweating. Now there are sweat drop stains on the map. Also to get any real variety in the board I will be forced to make a whole bunch more tiles and walls etc, etc.

I really lost all momentum, and will struggle to get back to printing and cutting.

Good luck with your project, I would however STRONGLY advise to wait for the terraclips.

Edited by DonB
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well spent yesterday evening trialing my first piece and apart from being a tad dark due to my printer it all came out fine.

Downloaded the planner today and have mapped out the first 'phase' of the table which is the 36 6 inch floor sections to lay out a 3x3ft board, the walls and posts and the additional floor sections for the 1st story levels.

Gonna be a lot of print and cut going on

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well tally of print outs planned so far are 45 6x6 inch tiles, 32 6 inch walls, 22 6 inch railings, 5 3 inch walls, 6 bridge walls, 3 3x6 floors for bridge and then more posts, tabs and props than you can shake a stick at. Oh and 2 ramps which are both already assembled.

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Lol DonB well it may help. Though my current enthusiasm is founded on having a great looking table to play on, but above all a great one to take to the club and use to demo at the wargames show we are having here.

If i can get it all done and dusted in time it should certainly stand out and thats only going to help draw people into my clutches along with gamesmistress showing chicks game too and clousseau helping to provide the whole 'you got demo'd by 2 henchman' whammy.

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I think having a strong goal will help, I was building mine to play with my wife in Korea. Don't know any other foreigners to play with in this city. But sadly she stopped wanting to play, the card mechanic and intricate rules put her off, and then I failed to complete the table. That or the break in hospital with appendicitis killed off my momentum! >_>

I am 90% there! bloody little tabs on the board keep pulling off though, stick those on good when you do them.

Edited by DonB
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Thanks for the warning. May just buy a welding torch !! Just finished printing the templates and tiles for the first 15 tiles. Will post pics once the gremlin is in bed. Will go through making a ramp and pics of both ramps and the ever growing stack of card.

On the upside 15 templates/tiles and 2 ramps has only killed about half the colour fill on my ink and about the same on the black. God bless refill kits eh!

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Well as promised some pics to show where im at and where im going lol.

Completed ramp that was done the other day, along with the card sheets containing another ramp, and the templates+tiles for the first 15 of 45 floor sections i need.


Ramp as seen on card prior to letting me at it with a scalpel


A fair amount of cutting later and we have the pieces for the ramp, 15 floor templates and 1 of the floor tiles done.


The two side sections for the ramp, one folded and glued and useable the other with the extra areas of white card removed


Both completed ramps in all their glory lol. Cornflake boxes should take note and start running!!!


So thats it for tonight. Its not a massive amount of progress but its some. Going to add a lifetime supply of ibuprofen to the list of purchases on this project as looking at the fine lines intently for hours is a guaranteed headache.

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Lol DonB well it may help. Though my current enthusiasm is founded on having a great looking table to play on, but above all a great one to take to the club and use to demo at the wargames show we are having here.

If i can get it all done and dusted in time it should certainly stand out and thats only going to help draw people into my clutches along with gamesmistress showing chicks game too and clousseau helping to provide the whole 'you got demo'd by 2 henchman' whammy.

You need a Rulesmarshal, I'm just one county over in Cambridgeshire, I think Clousseau comes almost straight past me on the way to you.

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I think i detect a hint of subtlety there ratty...that or a hint with a sledegehammer lol.

I dont know about the route Clousseau would use but the more the merrier. 4 people around a 3x3 table and 3 of them being either henchmen or rules marshalls. Anyone need a lightbuld changing lol.

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Thanks always thought abuela was a prickly old moo but now its confirmed.

Subtlety is like sarcasm, it should be taught at birth lol.

Glad my avatar isnt what I look like at the moment, which is a drowned kitten, as I sit on the train enroute to hard rock calling.

On the subject of the wargames show. Theres a notice for it under UK events, so if you can get along let me know and I will have a word with the organiser about adding you to our helpers list. We can have 4 so that would make it me, you, gamesmistress and clousseau.

Edited due to predictive text nightmares!

Edited by ghostwalker
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Darn I heard that sledgehammer whistle past lol.

Well leave that to you and clousseau to discuss, just let me know from there. Would be good to meet another malifaux resident. Heck if a enthusiastic gamer chick, 2 henchman and a rules Marshall cant sell malifaux to someone then theres no hope!!!

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Well having sufficently recovered from saturdays antics with Bon Jovi in London, i settled back down to work on this project.

Over the last 48 hours i finished cutting out all the floor tile parts and set myself up to start assembly. I have tried to make a little step by step of the next bit.

Foamcard tiles with template in place.


Areas where the 'link tabs will be inserted have been removed.


Folded floor tiles ready for assemble.


Placing/gluing the cut template into the floor tile. I found trying to line up the folds/cut outs on one side made this a lot easier.


A complete tile showing the folds on the underside


Top and bottom of a complete tile


The Mag-o-matic Dwarven press 2011 (patent pending lol). I placed each complete tile in between 5 copies of a nefarious magazine to help press the full 'construct' together and bind it all. In the pic there are 4 tiles being 'pressed'.


Several tiles in place to give in idea of the effect (no link tabs holding them). Im still trying to find an appropriate black liner to go over the 'white areas' as 'sharpie' pens seem to spread their ink into the surrounding print. :(


The somewhat chaotic prodution line.


Things i have learned/discovered so far.

Patience is a virtue very much in demand for this project.

You need a lot of free time to make progress. To get to this point with 11/15 floor tiles for the 48 i need, has taken about 16 hours. There will still be walls and posts to make aswell.

You need a very understanding mum/wife/gf as it gets very messy.

Pritt stick is good, a cheap branded alternative is much better, heck it sticks better than anna nicole smith to a unhealthy, wealthy millionaire!

Should i have waited for the terraclips stuff.....definately. Will i give up......with about £80 invested and the legendary Taurean trait of stubborness....Nope.

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Should i have waited for the terraclips stuff.....definately. Will i give up......with about £80 invested and the legendary Taurean trait of stubborness....Nope.

How very English of you! :D

Looks good so far. But also looks like a hell of alot of work. Looking forward to seeing this finished.... although probably not as much as you! :D

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Im just a classic Taurean!

Yeah im looking forward to seeing it finished and want it done so it can be used for intros/demo days aswell as my own games.

It is a lot of work, im hoping at the end i will be able to look and think it was all worth it. But only time will tell.

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